The Games 1.1

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        I hear the gong, loud and clear. I feel myself start running on the icy bridge. For some strange reason, I am not slipping... Just running fast, cracking the ice beneath my feet. I see some other tributes struggling to get far, but the girl from One seems to have less of a problem than they do but more than me. I realize that my shoes are spiked under, helping me out on ice and eventually for climbing. Lance's must be the same. I run along the thin slip of wood that they provide under our feet and then glance at the lake. Anyone who falls in there is as good as dead. No hope. I get onto the combined surface, One just behind me. I hear her running right behind me, but I keep on my pace, my eyes locked on the beautiful blades in front of me.  

        I already see two tributes lying face down in the lake, their bodies immobile, their attackers hungry for more. I start seeing people get closer to the Cornucopia, but not as close as Lance and I probably. I finally make contact with the area of the Cornucopia and I go and get the axes. I see the girl from One right behind me, throwing herself in my direction. I quickly move and see her slam into the ground. I grab all of the axes, and whistle loudly, signalizing Lance that I have the weapons and am off to the mountains. 

        Except that when I turn around, I see the girl from Ten look at me with a smirk and a knife in her hand. Before I can grab my axe, she reaches out and sticks the vile thing into my arm, missing my chest. I yank the knife out and start to fight her. I end up punching her in the throat and running away. I almost got killed. Now Johanna, run. Run as far as you can. Escape this hell of  a bloodbath. I start to run away, looking for a way to escape. The only rational solution is to take a bridge to the mountains. That's when I turn around and see Lance.

        There is Lance, struggling against District One. That's when I look at the knife that I hold in my hand and instinctively throw it at the boy. It plants itself in his shoulder area and he lets go of Lance. Lance quickly gets up and sprints in my direction as I am already on the bridge on my way yo safety.  I run through the water after the pedestals and wait for Lance to come.

        "You saved me." he pants.

        "I had to. We can't be the first ones to die." I reply, handing him a big axe and two small ones. I look back and see three tributes running our way. "We have to go!" I tell him and start running.

        We run through the woods, leaving unnecessary tracks in the snow. We both run at the same pace, hearing distant noises behind us. That's when I remember that we are from Seven, we have good climbing shoes, and there are plenty of trees here. I begin to scale one with lots of leaves, despite the weather and Lance follows. 

        I finally plop myself in a fork in the tree and wait for Lance to join me. We sit in the fork, comfortable and cozy. We hear some rustling in the bushes beneath us but it is just a rabbit making its way to the mini-lake. That's when we hear the crashing through the leaves. I lightly bend a branch, just enough to see what is going on.

        "NO! I said! Screw you and your stupid plan! We have to find Seven! He's as strong as us! The point is, where-ever she is, he is. We have to capture her and she'll lead us to him." yells a voice, deep and terrifying. It's One.

        "Fuck your idiot plan Ovid! She's not as stupid as you think she is! She wouldn't lead us to him, trust me." says Ash.

        "How would you know? Have you seen her drunk? Because I have, and let me tell you this my friend, she'll fuck you if you ask her and she will lead you if you tell her to. Damn, you have a good eye Ash. Wish the bitch was less girly though." says Ovid, mockingly.

        Ahhhhhh!!!! Fuck you too Ovid. And no, making me drunk won't help the situation! Haha, I've had more experience with alcohol than you ever would think that I have. Sheesh, you so anxious to see my real side? Well I can't show you now, but I will get you soon. 

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