The Games 1.6

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I break into the furious run, adrenaline pumping through my semi-weak body, visible hatred, and determination to find them and kill them all. She killed Lance. Lance is gone. You won't see him again. He's gone. My grip tightens around the ax in my right hand, pushing all of my fury into it as well as the undeniable sadness. What do the Capitol people think now? Do they still love the Games? After the handsomest male individual was brutally killed by District 2? I think not.

I run through trees, shrubs, and all sorts of ground, looking for tracks and clues, trying to find the Careers. Well the rest still think I am weak and that I am easy prey, but no one has seen me kill the bitch, not even Ash. Ash. I remind myself that there are two other boys who like me in this arena. One likes me more than the other. Hunter is more of a friend and Ash is more of a potential fuck buddy if he would be from Seven. He desires me, but I flirt back, messing with his emotions. And yet again I remember him at the Parade, threatening to fuck me so hard until I couldn't walk or talk. I remember that I was actually part scared since he towered over me. But then he changed his attitude and became a lovable little puppy. I can control guys. That's my weapon along my beautiful ax.

I stop running once I reach a stream, fresh water gushing noisily. I look around and see some sort of set up on the other side, a sort of tent and a stack of various crates. This is their camp. Therefore, I decide to set up camp somewhere around here, to have a weary eye on them. When can I attack them? I climb a nice tree and put Lance's bag up top and make a weapon hanging area. I clean my blade until it is shining while sitting comfortably in the large fork of the tree. I am still shaken by the death of my second lover and I can't stop thinking how happy I am that I have killed the bitch in such a cruel way.

I sort through the food, looking at the rations neatly divided in the pack, Lance's on the left, mine on the right. I decide to indulge and eat up two rations, along with a shot of water. I am lonely, I am relying on my skills, I have no one to protect me from the evil in this world. No more hugs, no more kisses, no more tongue wars, and no more sponsors. Each steamy sexual kiss was a sponsorship. Now, without a loving mouth to kiss, there won't be any generous sponsors. This is the final eight. Among us, I cannot dare to kill Ash and Hunter. And Ash won't kill me either. This is what is killing me. The damn fucker won't kill me.

The familiar blast of the anthem shakes me back to reality and the holograms appear. There her face appears and I swear I hear a screech from across the stream. It's followed by another victim and then there's Lance. Sweet, innocent, beautiful Lance. I remember his lips on mine, his tongue exploring my mouth passionately, the warmth of his body against mine, his strong hands in my hair while I was blowing him, his electric touch on my naked body, his slow pace killing my nerves on our sinful night. That's when I gently reach to my necklace. I smile as I feel the locket there, remembering that Ramsey is back home, waiting for me. I swear that as soon as night falls when I come back, we'll be in the cabin, fucking so hard that I will not be capable of walking after.

I look at the Careers' campsite and I see the fire go out and I see them get into the tent. I decide to wrap myself in the sleeping bag and I fall asleep pretty quickly, weary of running and crying.

I see him standing at the end of the forest. I am running quickly towards him, skipping breaths, my mind fuzzing. But I can't seem to reach him. His body keeps moving further and slowly falling to the ground. I run to Lance and when I finally reach him, I see Ramsey's face plastered on Lance's.

"Why did you love him?" he asks.

Then the actual Lance pops up and smiles at me while the limp body disappears. I throw myself on his neck and he indulgently presses his lips against mine, biting my lower lip, our tongues intertwining. The familiar taste of his lips makes me moan lightly as his hands travel down my back. Our passionate embrace is interrupted when something goes flying through his body, stiffening at the impact. I see the arrow stuck in his body. His body slowly crumbles to the ground and all that is left of him is a memory and a wet kiss on my famished lips.

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