Seneca Crane

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I walk off stage with my head held high. I realize that tomorrow I will be sent home to my family, my woods, my new home, and Ramsey. Yasmeyne remembered to keep my black dress and my boots for my return. I know that I won't wear that when I arrive to my District. I will probably wear some fancy dress covered in crystals and open everywhere as well as having my face painted in order to make me look almost unrecognizable. 

I wonder if the guys back at my district have a different opinion of me right now. I look so much more attractive with my dark makeup and the beautiful long gowns I now wear. I wonder if the girls envy me or they carelessly call me a slut. Well, I don't give a shit. I made it out, that is enough. And now I can rub it in my sister's face.

I ride up the elevator and join my team for a lavish dinner. I see plenty of raw fish with rice, or what they call here "sush", drinks covering half of the table, and a giant cake sitting in the middle of it all. Livia takes my hand and pulls me forward. Blight, Griffin, Tule, and my prep team are already sitting down. There is one man I do not recognize.

"Johanna, this is Seneca Crane. He is the Gamemaker." says Livia.

Seneca Crane stands up and takes my hand and kisses it, bowing down at the same time.

"Lovely to meet you Miss Mason." he says.

"Pleasure to meet you too. Thank you for making the arena to my liking." I tease.

"Well, that was purely by chance. I am happy that for once someone does not hate the arena." he chuckles. 

I dare say, he is good-looking and actually normal. The only odd thing about him must be his strange beard. It is styled with such precision, short and with swirly designs. Very odd but his eyes definitely light up his paler skin. His eyes are a brilliant blue, icy and cold.

We eat the dinner, laughing and chatting while I try to catch up my weight by stuffing my face. Occasionally I see that Seneca is staring out of the corner of his eye at my open chest. Seriously, damn this dress for being so revealing. I finally reach for the cake and help myself to a pile of chocolate deliciousness. In between layers there is a white salty caramel cream. My stomach is so full that it actually hurts to wear this tight and fitted dress. I excuse myself from the table and I walk back to my room.

I enter and I see a clean, tidy place. There are no traces of our nights spent with Lance. I decide to look under the bed and I reveal something that breaks my heart. I see a half empty bottle of cherry liquor. I take off the cork and smell the substance. I am reminded of home, of the sour taste of the drink, and I drink up. It tastes of sadness, fire, but mostly of Lance's lips. I put the bottle away and I stare at the window. I can practically see him standing here, near the bed, shirtless in the mornings. His messy hair, his jaw-dropping muscles, his gleaming eyes. I feel myself tear up but I shake it away. He's gone. He's dead. I am alive. 

Just as I am about to take off my dress, I hear a knock on the door. 

"Come in." I say.

I turn around and see Seneca Crane enter my room. He looks at me curiously.

"I'm sorry about Mr. Bissweld." he says.

"It's okay. I'll just have to get used to it." I reply looking down at the ground.

"Listen Miss Mason, President Snow sent me here. You had a couple of scary death situations in the arena right?" he says.

"Indeed I did." I reply.

"Well, we did everything to keep you alive at the same time. The people couldn't stand seeing the most beautiful lady in Panem be killed, since your partner died." he says.

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