The Parade

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        We mount the chariots as the doors open and the first chariot, District 1, rolls out. The crowd goes wild, per usual, because of their tacky and hideous costumes. The girl has some sort of white feather head-dress with plenty of diamonds and some shit like that. They both look as if snow has landed on them, ridiculous. The chariots start rolling out one by one and then our chariot starts to move. I grasp Lance's hand as we pass the doors and into the city. The crowd starts to cheer even louder. I guess our outfits are definetly pleasing them. I guess my stylist isn't that much of an idiot after all if she can please the people who might as well save our lives from an agonizing death. Lance leaves his vest open, making  the people go crazy since he is pretty damn fit. I shyly smile and wave to people. I hear them chant our names and I gain a little confidence and smile a little wider as well as wave a little more. 

        That is when I see the screens. I see us on three of them. We look beautiful. In the dark, I look a little more intimidating but my dress glows. The green satin and the colored gems compliment themselves so I look as if I came out of a forest full of glitter. I guess this isn't that bad. We arrive to Snow's mansion and guess where our horses just have to stand. Yup, you got it, District 2.         

        "Welcome, all of you!" beams Snow "It is an honor to have you here to represent your district. I wish you all a happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor!" he speaks. Can I plant an ax in his face now?? 

        The District 2 boy looks at me observantly. I look at him and put on my scared-but-deadly face. I eye his armor. It really does make him look deadly. He winks at me, I put on a shy smile, which is worth shit, and then look back to Lance. I see the District 4 girl look at him curiously. Back off whore he is taken. The chariots start to move back. All of the Capitol citizens stand and cheer. They throw miscellaneous objects such as roses, glitter, other flowers, and shiny paper cut into thin strips. I still hold on to Lance and we wave toward the same direction. Lance smiles, fearless, ready to kill. Many Capitol women cheer and shout his name. I guess they think he is attractive. Our chariot then goes into the stables. Lance and I descend the structure and I cling onto him for another second or two. Livia runs up to us.

        "Oh darlings, you were magnificent! The people loved you! I mean, how are they not supposed to love you, you look stunning in those outfits. Tule's masterpieces will be famous! Lance, perfect attitude! Keep charming the people! You'll rise to fame like Finnick Odair! And you Johanna, also good attitude. You were quite confident out there. Nice smiling and good thing you waved! The Capitol loved you!" she cheers. 

        Blight approaches.

        "Well done guys. You already have some potential sponsors. Johanna, your dress really is a... thing. As for you Lance, good confidence, we need that. Keep up the assets. See you up in ten." and he walks to the lift. 

        "Well, do you have something to tell me?" Lance smiles.

        "What am I supposed to tell you?" I ask, confused.

        "Well..." he points to his abs.

        "Yes, I know, you have nice abs. That's what you wanted to hear, right?" I laugh.

        "Exactly, sweetheart." 

        I hear some footsteps. 

        "Well, well, if it isn't District Seven who has clearly outshone some of us" says the familiar voice of the boy from Two. "You might as well go with me." He chants as he wraps his arm around my waist and picks me up frantically. He starts carrying me to the elevator. I start crying and kicking as hard as I can so I give him the most pain that my heels can provide. 

        "Lance!" I scream. I hear him run.

        "LET HER GO! Why are you doing this to her? Why do you want to harm her? What has she done to you? She's already scared because she knows that she won't survive a day out in the arena, don't scare her even more!" He shouts.

        "What are you gonna do about it, punk!" yells the boy "I don't care if she's your cousin or not! If I think she's hot, I'm gonna go and do her if  I want to. She can't do anything about it, look at her. I'm sure that she will accommodate to this soon. Now let's go princess." He smirks. 

        I am doomed. I don't want to sleep with this ass-shit! I thrash around in his arm until I figure out how escape. I dig my heel into his thigh and I bite his fore-arm. He winces in pain and instinctively lets go of me. I run as fast as I can in these shoes, which is still pretty damn quick, and I enter the elevator, shutting the glass doors before he can enter. I press the button with the number 7 and see the boy approaching slamming against the elevator door. I effortlessly flip him off as the elevator shoots up. Ha bitch! Joke's on you. 

        The elevator doors open and I storm into the apartment and start fake-crying. Livia runs up to me and gives me a hug. 

        "What's wrong darling? Too much excitement?" she asks.

        "Yeah, kind of" I sniff, "The boy from 2 is really mean and scary." I cry. She hugs me tightly.

        "It's okay. In a couple of days, he will be gone and you will be back here with us, celebrating your victory." she comforts me. "Go to your room and rest a little."

        I walk to my room. As I enter it, I gasp. A huge window, replacing the wall, gives me a marvelous view of the city. I see huge bed, covered with a dark green comforter, white sheets, and dark brown pillows with wood designs on them. It is comforting to see a piece of Seven here. I observe a shiny glass object. I pick it up and slide my finger across it. The view from my window changes from the city to the square to a boardwalk, and then to woods in mountains. I keep this last one to remind me a little of home. I touch Ramsey's pendant and curse myself for existing. I strip off my wonderful dress and put on a green shirt and tight black pants. I decide not to put shoes on since these heels killed my feet. I keep my makeup and the gems and I lay down on my bed, my spine finally getting its well deserved rest. I close my eyes and think of life back in Seven. Everyone is probably sleeping by now, my sister devouring my daily portion of fruit that I keep in the back of the cupboard, my mother looking at her with despair. There is no hope for Rhyden. She will always be greedy. Always was, always will be. A knock on my door snaps me back to reality. 

        "Johanna, want to join us for dinner?" I hear Lance say behind the door. 

        "Coming." I smile as I walk toward the door.

        I follow Lance to the dining room where a massive amount of food is set out. I see lamb, veal, soup, stew, rice, purple potatoes, and tons of other delicacies. I eat an enormous amount of food until I decide to save some space for what they call desert. The servants come in with a giant chocolate cake, cream puffs, ice cream, and some sort of multi-colored jelly. I eat a little of each until I feel sick. I walk off to my room and I sit down on my bed. Lance knocks on my door.

        "Come in." I yell. 

        "Hey Jo. I'm so sorry about Two. I don't know why he is like that. Can he not control himself or what?" he laughs.

        "I don't know but when we are at the final eight, that bitch is going to die." I laugh.

        "Keep playing your little game." He laughs.

        He takes out a bottle from behind his back. It is the yummy throat-burning cherry liquor. I kiss his cheek in appreciation and I pour some into a glass. I drink up and feel the heart-warming burn. Alcohol does help fix a lot of things. Drowns my sorrows, makes me forget about the threat, and most of all, reminds me of home. 

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