Love and Other Drugs

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I look up and see Ramsey standing in front of the crying me. He crouches and looks deep into my eyes. It is just now that I realize how much I need my Ramsey. I was distracted by Lance with whom I had a fake-real romance, and eternal love from Ash. But it is when I won that I realized that I was alone, nothing left of that romantic fantasy except for unwanted sex with Crane. I feel my eyes well up in tears for the first time ever in front of Ramsey as I quickly lean towards him. I press my lips against his and I savor the sweet taste of his lips, how they lock perfectly with mine, and how much I have missed him.

" Oh God how I have missed you." he says, wrapping his arms around me.

"And you don't even know how much I have missed you my love." I say, hugging him as tightly as I can.

He sits next to me and he pops open a small bottle of homemade cherry liquor which we share. We sip together on the sweet and strong drink while we talk.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I say.

"Yeah, darling?" he says.

"You saw me with Lance right? And Ash?" I ask him.

"Yup." he answers curtly.

"Well, what were you thinking?" I ask him.

"I was thinking: I have the smartest girlfriend in the world. I knew right away that you were using them as a weapon. And the fact you were named the most beautiful in Panem..." he says smiling.

"So you have the smartest and prettiest girlfriend?" I smile.

"Nope. I have the smartest and sexiest girlfriend on Earth." he says as he brings me closer to him.

"All those kisses where meant for you." I say, kissing his neck lightly.

"So what stands in the future for us?" he says.

"First, we have to keep our love a secret in public. I can't be seen with you as in a relationship, you know. I don't want the Capitol to know." I say while taking a swig.

"And why not?" he says.

"Because Blight told me not to. I think he knows what he is talking about." I say.

"Well then let's make the best of it." he says as he grabs my hand and pulls me up.

We run to our little safe haven, our little cabin that he has been watching during my Games. As soon as the door closes after him, he kicks off his shoes and walks up to me, seizing my body before he starts kissing me. Yet I am distracted. Last time I slept with someone was what, two days ago with Seneca Crane, even before with Lance. I know that I forgot his ways and that sex is no longer as special as it was before.

We make out for a while, sucking out the sadness out of us. I find myself unable to stop kissing him. He keeps smiling in between kisses, so happy to see me. He rips off his shirt and I know where this is going. We end up all over everything, drinking, kissing, laughing, screaming. I realize how much I missed his touch, his love, his voice, his body, his everything. I missed his beautiful self. We enjoy a crazy night until we are tired and decide to sleep together side-by-side on the small bed. His protective grip around my waist, his warm breath against my bare skin, make me so happy to have him.

I wake up and see myself lying on the floor, wrapped in sheets. I look up and see Ramsey sprawled out on the bed, hugging a pillow. I get up to find myself just wearing underwear. I retrieve my other clothes and I quickly go to the bathroom and look at my face. I wash off the remaining makeup from my face and I head back to the living room. I hear Ramsey move around in the bed. 

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