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Coming back from the nice walk with Ramsey, I see the group of guys headed my way. I turn on my heel and start walking away as fast as I can in order to avoid them. They have been getting on my nerves lately and I just feel like smashing all of their fucking faces. I am outrun at a point and they all circle around me, pinning me to a tree.

"So, you thought you could run from us?" says the tallest one.

"So?" I spit.

"You didn't meet up with us did ya' ? So as we said, we meet up with you." says the second.

"Give me a break, seriously." I say rolling my eyes.

"Listen here Johanna, you don't go out with at least one of us and bad things will happen to you and your family. Or even your precious boyfriend. You go with one, we leave you alone." says the third one.

I think about it for a second. I don't want to put my family and friends at risk so I will probably take the offer and talk with Blight after. I want him to open up to me after all.

"Fine." I say.

"Now, which one to pick?" they say, each of them giving me a smirk.

"How about blondie?" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Lynx, you are the chosen one." says the leader of the pack.

"Well Johanna, when and where shall we meet?" says Lynx, his cold blue eyes piercing mine.

"How about for dinner at eight? At The Pine Cove?" I ask.

"Sure darling. Just look good for me, will ya'?" he says giving me a wink.

"Alright. Mason, you are free to go where you like." says the leader.

"You know that I can take each and every one of you down, right?" I say sarcastically. 

"You may be the victor of the Games but against all of us, you couldn't win for jack." says the second.

I walk away in frustration and run home to talk to Blight. I don't even bother knocking, I just walk in. Blight is playing the piano and I stop moving and listen to his beautiful playing. It sounds like a sad melody, mourning someone's death. I feel the music invade my stomach, making me feel hollow inside. When he stops, I silently walk over to him and sit on the couch, in front of the piano. 

"Johanna, didn't hear you there." he jokes.

"I heard you from a mile away. Your playing is amazing." I say.

"Thanks. What's up?" he says, switching the subject rather quickly.

"I have an issue." I say.

"What's going on?" he says worried.

"You know the jocks?" I ask.

"Yeah, what about them?" he says.

"They threatened me into going out with one of them." I say.

"What the hell?" he asks, eyes wide.

"I know right. They said that if I don't go, everyone is at risk of getting hurt. So I obviously agreed to one." I say.

"Listen Johanna, you can't let things like this pass, you are the Victor." he says.

"That is precisely why they annoyed me." I reply.

"Shit." he mutters under his breath. "Okay, are you meeting him tonight?" he asks.

"Yeah, at eight at The Pine Cove." I reply.

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