Back Home Again

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We passed District One and now we are going home. The Tour hasn't been so bad as I had expected, forming great new alliances with people who want to change. Even Two want to ally with us, but for no specific reason. Maybe because they realized that we have killers too? 

The train rides have been weary and I have been finding myself less and less attracted to travelling so far in such a long time. Blight and I have been bonding recently, him teaching me some of his pieces on the piano, and I teaching him the electric violin. We even made a song together which will be presented at the Capitol in a couple of months. I feel pretty proud of myself and I continued to develop the song that I learned from my childhood, tweaking some sounds and Blight working away on the piano trying to make it sound better.

But I got sick of that as well. Soon enough, I found myself distracting myself by learning to mix shakes from the bartender on the train, an Avox with whom I've spent time with recently. He teaches me silently what ingredients to put and he writes down the names of each drink, what to put, how to garnish the glass, and how much. When he has the occasional break, we play a game of cards or such, keeping ourselves distracted from the madness around us. Soon enough, Blight joined us and in three, the games was merrier and the atmosphere was much better. 

But then I received a phone call from the President himself.

"Hello?" I ask sounding as sober as I could through my morning hangover.

"Miss Mason." he hisses, "I am just calling to remind you about the Presidential visit where you will end your tour. It is in four days and I expect you and Mr. Blight to present something special for us, be it music or dance. We can let the population choose that of course. Just be ready and be dashing." he says and hangs up.

I put the phone away and go back to the couch with a pint of warm tea sitting in its usual spot. I should have started becoming a writer with ambiguous notes and the most comical and sarcastic things I could ever write such as : How to get rid of a hangover: Johanna Mason's Guide to surviving the morning after. Blight decided to start making funny short films of us with the camera I received from Caesar Flickerman as a victory gift. The Hangover part definitely made the cut.

Blight stands in front of the camera and starts rolling.

"So today we will be learning how to cook a breakfast after a hangover." I say to the camera as I take out any items I will need. "Blight can you grab this for me?" I ask him as he reaches into the cabinet to take out a bottle of syrup.

"You take the flour and you put it in a bowl. You add half of that of milk and put in two spoons of sugar. And now I have no idea what to do so I will just mix." I say as I pick up a spoon and miss the bowl. I mix away making a mess per usual and end up with my pancake batter.

"And now you take a pan and put oil on it." I say as I put oil on the pan but put too much because my vision is spinning still. "And you wait until you can burn yourself with it."

Blight mutters something from behind the camera and I let out a hysterical cackle as I grab my stomach. I look at the pan and it is steaming.

"Okay, now you put this pancake liquid on the pan and you wait until you think it's ready to be flipped over." I say and pour it in.

Shortly after I realize that it must be ready because I can sense a funny smell and I flip it over with a knife and make another mess. Blight stifles a laugh as he sees me struggle and I flip him off royally from behind the stove.

"And this is how you make a dark brown pancake." I say, showing my final result on a plate full of fruits and syrup with the semi-burned pancake.

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