3. Photoshoot

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I think that I should clarify that this takes place around three to four weeks after chapter 2.

Edit: I didn't like how short this chapter was so I tried my best to lengthen it.


I exit the bathroom and make my way towards my closet.

As I enter through the door way I flip the switch up, illuminating the abnormally large room.

A smile immediately makes its way onto my face at the sight of its contents.

Most of my wardrobe has came from sponsorships and collaborations meaning that about ninety percent of the clothes in my closet I did not pay for.

While I am incredibly grateful for all of these clothes I am thinking about donating most of them.

I have not and most likely will not wear any of them because...well I just hate the way I look in them.

The way the fat of my stomach will cause the material of my shirts or dresses to poke out.

Or the way my inner thigh fat will be on complete display if I decide to wear a simple pair of shorts.

It is all absolutely unflattering on me.

I make my way over towards my hung hoodies and grab a random black hoodie that has no logos or anything on it, immediately making the unconscious decision to pick out a matching pair of black sweatpants.

Once I have my outfit picked out I slip the oversized hoodie over my head, letting the edge of it fall to my mid thigh area.

I quickly retrieve a pair of white panties and slip them up my legs to cover my private regions. It takes practically no time at all for me to slip my oversized black sweatpants on to cover said panties.

Not only does this hide my body, it is also extremely easy to change out of once I get to the photoshoot.

It is a win-win situation!

I make my way over towards a random shelf that I placed my cellphone down on.

As soon as I reach said shelf I grab my phone, bringing the screen up to my face so that I can see it.

Nine thirty in the morning, the time read.

I should hurry up considering the photoshoot is scheduled for ten in the morning and I have no clue where it is.

I should probably text Nicole for that information.


"Hi! Sorry for the delay!" I rush out as I enter the brightly lit studio where the photoshoot will be taking place

A really tall man turns around to face me at the sound of my nervous voice.

He appears to be somewhere around the six foot tall range.

As he turns to face me my eyes instinctively glance down at the large camera in his hands.

He must be the photographer that they hired.

A minuscule wave of sadness crashes down upon me at the sight of someone other than Bea.

As soon as his eyes land on me a wide smile breaks out onto his well sculpted face.

"You're fine," he assures me with an amused chuckle

My shoulders instantly relax at the sound of his tone.

Thank goodness he is not one of those easily angered photographers who get annoyed by you simply just asking where the bathroom is.

"Your dressing room is over there" he brings one of his hands up to point towards a closed red door

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