20. Friends...More Or Less

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I am in the middle of impatiently pacing my trailer only to hear a knock on my trailer door a few minutes later.

I practically rush towards said door, swinging it open.

"Sorry I'm late, I was-" Wesley's voice enters my ears

I cut him off by grabbing ahold of his wrist and pulling him inside of my trailer, practically slamming the door behind him.

"Can you keep a secret?!" I rush out

The blonde haired boy furrows his eyebrows at my unusual mood:

"Yes, why?" He slowly answers

I reach out and grab ahold of his shoulders, not liking the way he answered the question.

"I am being serious Wesley! I need you to swear on your life that you will not tell anyone anything about this conversation beyond this point!"

The blonde haired boy grabs ahold of my biceps and walks us over to the couch, firmly plopping me down on it.

"Delaney, I need you to breathe for me" he tells me as if he were talking to a literal child

"I almost kissed McKenna!" I blurt out before I can stop myself

I immediately bring my hands up to cover my mouth as Wesley's eyes widen with surprise.

There is a long silence between the two of us.

Wesley is silent because he is processing the information that I just gave him.

Me, however, I am silent so that I do not accidentally reveal any more secrets to him.

"McKenna? Like 'McKenna King' McKenna?" Wesley slowly ask as he tries to wrap his mind around it

I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Yes! How many McKenna's do you think I know?!" I exclaim

Wesley goes silent again causing me to sigh this time around.

"Just- please do not leave her and I alone together!" I stress

The blonde turns to face me.

"Do you know what this means?" He asks

I furrow my eyebrows at his sudden subject change.

I shake my head nonetheless.

"I am so going to win this bet!" He does a fist pump

I scoff at the blonde haired boy.

"You are unbelievable!" I throw my hands up

I stand up from my couch, hurriedly making my way towards my trailer door before he gets the chance to gloat.

I tune out the chuckling boy as I swing the door open to my trailer.


I am thoroughly shocked when I notice Hunter standing in front of me, one of her hands raised up as if she were going to knock on said door.

"They need us on set" she informs me with a charming smile

I am frozen in my spot for a few seconds, my feet literally refusing to move.

"I- Uh-" I try my best to start a conversation

As soon as actual words attempt to exit my mouth an image of the actress and I almost kissing flashes in my mind, quickly accelerating my heartbeat.

Ugh! I am absolutely, without a doubt hopeless!

This goes on for about thirty seconds until Wesley decides to cut in.

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