23. Rejected

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Is it just me who has felt like this has been the longest week ever?!?!


Hunter and I ignore the paparazzi outside of the management building as we are escorted to the entrance.

Woah! They have tripled from the last time I was here!

"Thank you" I thank the guard before Hunter and I make our way towards the elevator.


Well...that was the most awkward elevator ride I have ever been in and we did not even say a word to each other.

"You have to wait out here, Nicole will have a field day if she sees you" I sigh

Hunter nods her head before making her way over towards a couch in front of the front desk.

I make sure to take note of this before making my way over to Nicole's office.

As soon as I reach the door I bring my hand up and down onto the door, knocking a handful of times.

I wait until the sound of Nicole yelling 'enter' meets my ears to enter her office.

I do not miss the way she briefly glances up from her laptop to see who was at her office door.

"Took you long enough" she scoffs

I remain silent as I shut the office door behind me and make my way over towards the couch in front of her large desk.

The older woman waits until I am fully sat on said couch to resume her speech.

"How irresponsible can you be, Delaney?!" She quietly yells at me, not wanting to alert the staff outside of the door of our conversation

"Not only did you get four photos of you leaked, but now I have people calling me all day asking me to comment or confirm if you and McKenna are 'secretly engaged' to each other!"

I continue to sit in silence as the older woman brings one of her hands up to her forehead where she uses her thumb and middle finger to massage the temples of her head.

"Luckily for you I used all of this attention to promote your tour in three weeks as well as deny that you and McKenna are involved with each other,"

I nod my head to show her that I am listening to her.

I refuse to tell Nicole that Hunter and I are actually involved with each other in some way.

Nicole would just target Hunter and her public image in hopes of getting the raven haired girl blacklisted.

I really like Hunter...maybe I even love her.

I could not let Nicole do that to her just because Nicole thinks that I am 'distracted' or that my relevancy will 'fade' if I am seen with the actress too often.

"I need you to stop hanging out with McKenna" Nicole's words knock me out of my head

My jaw goes slack at the words that leave her mouth.

"What?! No! Are you- excuse me?!" I speak for the first time after entering this room

I cannot help the utter chaos that falls from my lips.

Nicole seems to be taken aback by my response.

"Need I remind you that the public thinks that you're dating Wesley!" She grits out with evident anger

Clearly not if they are following Hunter and I around more than Wesley and I.

"You constantly being seen sneaking around with McKenna King is not helping that narrative,"

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