Chapter 46

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"You called the doctors office, right?" I asked Zayn when I heard the garage door open.

"Yeah. We have an appointment next Monday at noon."

"That's two days before Christmas..."

"Do we have plans?" He was confused.

"'s just odd. I figured they would be closed."

"Suppose not." He shrugged. "Hey, mum." I turned away from the kitchen to see Ms. Malik closing the garage door.

"Hey, Trish." I smiled.

"Hello, babies." She put her purse on the island and walked to Zayn first, kissing his forehead. I was happy to see he waited for her back to be toward him before he wiped it off. She then walked to me and put her arm around my waist. "What's going on in here?"

"We've made pasta. It should be done soon." Zayn said.

"Yeah. 'We.'" I used air quotes.

"Okay, Daisy made it. But, I drained the noodles, doesn't that count for something?"

"Sure it does, Love." Trish said and I laughed at the face he made back at her. "How did your first finals go?"

"I failed Economics." Zayn said it as if it was no big deal.

"You what?!" Trish nearly choked on the air.

"I'm kidding, mum! Don't go dying on me. We don't get our results until Wednesday."

"That's not funny, boy." She pointed at him. "Alright, I'm going to take a shower and wash the hospital off of me...but, please do save me some pasta."

"Yes, ma'am." I smiled at her.

As soon as her bedroom door shut I took a deep breath. "I don't like hiding things from her." I shook my head.

"Well, if the doctor says you are, then we'll tell her. Okay?" I nodded. "Now onto more important things: what do you want to do for the rest of the day?"

"Oh, yes. Very important." I laughed.

"No, I mean it." He laughed as well before pointing out, "we're not used to having this much time after school. What are we gonna do?"

"Oh're right." It was barely 2 o'clock. "I would say we could go for a swim, but it's too cold for that now." I tried to think about what my small town had to offer. "We could..."

"We could go to the movies?" Zayn suggested.

"Your mom's home...I would feel bad just leaving her."

"Well she could come too, babe."

"True.." He laughed at how deep in thought I was.

"What about mini golf? That sounds fun."

"We don't have that here..." He laughed. "Hold on." He pulled out his phone, searching for anything nearby. "Theres one about 20 minutes away. We could go straight after school tomorrow? Make a little date out of it?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice." I smiled. "But that still leaves us with the rest of today."

"We could just stay in and watch movies..."

"Oh wow...really broadening the spectrum there, Malik."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Toomey." He walked around the island and kissed me on the cheek. "What do you want to drink with your pasta?"

"I can get it, thank you." I hopped down from my stool and walked over to the fridge, pulling out my blue gatorade as Zayn put some noodles in a bowl for me.

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