Chapter 28

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Zayn went home.

I wouldn't necessarily say our issues were resolved, but the rest of the time he was at my house, we were on equal terms. No more fighting, no more crying.

He left when I had to shower, and I actually preferred it. I wasn't ready to have him stay the night again yet. It just didn't feel right at the time. Even though we both probably could've used the comfort in our emotional states. He seemed a little sad, and I was just overall exhausted.

I was happy to see things were going back to normal when I got a goodnight text, just before I drifted to sleep.


Naaaaants ingonyama bagithi Baba,

Sithi uhm ingonyama

I groaned as I reached for my phone, sliding it open.

"I need to change that." I complained. Having The Circle Of Life as my alarm was slowly making me hate my favorite movie.

I slumped off of my bed and onto the floor, switching my lamp on as I did so. I fell asleep pretty fast the night before, but looking in the mirror I didn't recognize the tired eyes I wore. I was more exhausted than I thought.

I slapped some foundation onto my pale skin, actually considering some blush for once just to give my cheeks color.


"Jesus!" I jumped as Zayn walked into my room. "What are you doing here?!" I grabbed my chest, trying to steady my startled heart.

"I figured I'd drive you to school..." He said as he took a seat on my bed.

"You could've just knocked."

"What's the point in having a key if I can't use it?" He smirked.

I turned back to the mirror and finished applying my makeup. "You didn't have to scare me." Thanks to his antics, blush was no longer needed. My face was red enough.

"I didn't mean to. Sorry." He stretched back and grabbed his pillow, laying down at an angle that his feet still hung off of the side. No shoes were allowed on my bed.

"You can at least make yourself useful."

He groaned and sat back up. "Bagel or poptart?"

"Actually a breakfast burrito sounds nice. But, you're an awful cook. So....hmm."

"We'll stop somewhere and get you one. Just hurry." He plopped back onto the bed.

I stood up and changed into some jeans and a baggy t-shirt. I was a little shocked to see he didn't even peek. It was sort of unlike him. I mean, I guess it varied. Sometimes he peeked, sometimes he acted like it was wrong for him to watch me change. But we both knew he wasn't against it.

"Alright, I'm ready." I sighed as I slid on my shoes.

"Grab a sweatshirt." He said as he grabbed my bag.

"I'm good." I slipped my phone into my pocket.

"Dais." He pressed but I ignored him and went for the door.

The second I stepped outside I began rubbing my arms. It was freezing.

"I told you. Here." I turned to see Zayn locking the door as he held out his red sweatshirt that was in my closet.

"Thanks." I sighed. I wouldn't have grabbed one of his. It just didn't feel like it was time, but I shrugged off the silly feeling and threw on his sweatshirt.

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