Chapter 44

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My stomach was in knots. In a perfect world, I would've forgotten about my uterus and taken a nap, but instead we were on our way to buy a pregnancy test. Me and my not-even-legal-adults-yet boyfriend. When I was little I always felt like 26 was the perfect number. By 26 I was going to be getting married, buying a beautiful home, and having my first born child. No way in hell did I want to be a teenage mother.

We pulled up to the drug store, and Zayn got out first so he could come open my door. He waited for me to get out and shut the door before clasping our hands together. "You don't look so good, babe." His thumb caressed mine.

"I'm freaking out." He nodded, because I'm sure deep down he was panicking too.

Walking into the store, I was lucky to have seen condoms before anything else. They were on the back wall, and the pregnancy tests were just a few shelves over.

"Should we get an expensive one?" I asked.

"I feel like the more expensive the more accurate....But, then again I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about."

"Should we ask a worker? No wait...that's so embarassing."

"I'll ask. I got us into this mess." Before I could even stop him, he let go of my hand and went to get an employee. My stomach was twisting and turning as I read all of the boxes, trying to guess which one would be best.

Moments later, Zayn returned with a woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties. I was glad he picked her because she seemed nice, and I was not in the mood for judgement. "Hi, you must be Daisy." The woman greeted me, and I nodded, shaking her hand. "My names Lisa. So I recommend the cheaper tests. I actually know nothing about these, but I know that when I was pregnant with my daughter, I went to the doctor and he had this one right here." She handed me a generic pregnancy test. "It worked for me, so I can only assume it will for you. And at least this way you can buy more than one. A lot of people do that, just out of paranoia that one test may be wrong." I just kept nodding, trying to take in all of the information she was throwing at me. "Now, if you don't mind my asking, how far along do you think you'll be?"

"It was just last night..."

"Oh, dear!" She laughed at me, and I felt like a complete idiot because I wasn't in on the joke. "Have you taken the morning after pill?" I told her yes. "Alright. Well, you're going to need to wait at least two weeks. They say to wait until you miss your period. Are you regular?"

" varies."

"That's how I was when I was younger. So, yeah...I would wait two weeks. And, if it says no, and you're still afraid, take it a week later. But, if you get your period, chances are you're not pregnant. And if you're REALLY worried, you could always go to a doctor like I did."

"Okay..thanks for all of your help." Even though she laughed at me, I still meant that. It was nice to talk to an adult in all of that mess.

As we walked out empty-handed, Zayn finally spoke up. "I could just take you to a doctor, babe.."

"Well, maybe. I say we wait and see if I get my period soon..."

"Alright. Whatever you want, I'll do it. Don't be afraid to ask."

We got back into the car, and drove back to Zayn's place. I was so miserable. Not only was I scared, but in my mind I already felt like I was having a child. I didn't want to feel like my life was over, but that was my mood. How terrible is that? I wouldn't ever want my baby to feel like they ruined my future. That was why I tried to ignore how I was feeling. It just really didn't help that so much was happening in my life in that moment.

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