Chapter 32

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Daisy's POV


Monterey was a dream. A dream I wish I'd never woken up from. Within the five days we were there, I'd been to fancier restaurants, nicer beaches, and cuter stores than I'd ever seen in my life. Not to mention the sweet town folk that greeted my every turn.

Come Wednesday night, I decided I never wanted to leave. But, just my luck, the next day was Thanksgiving. Zayn and I finished our last night the same way we began the first - completely wrapped in each other.

It was the next morning that wrenched my heart.

"Wake up, babe. Checkout is in an hour." A gentle shake of my shoulder told me my vacation was over. I could hear Zayn shuffling through the room as he cleaned up a bit of our mess and began to pack his bags. "Babe, c'mon. You've got to get up." He pulled on my feet and flipped the blanket, uncovering the lower half of my body.

"COLD." I growled and pulled my legs up into my body, curling into the remainder of my blanket.

"Seriously. Get up."


"I said.." A gasp escaped my mouth when he jumped onto the bed, laying himself onto my back. "GET. UP."

"You're crushing me." I said breathlessly.

"Well, I wouldn't have to if you'd get up, now would I?"

"Alright, alright! I'm up!" He rolled off of me, taking the blanket with him, and I inhaled a full breath without the pressure of his body on top of mine. "You're already dressed?" I asked once I took in his appearance.

"Yup. Showered and all." His wet hair proved his statement.

"I should probably shower too." I recalled the night before, and realized my skin was still bare. I tried to cover myself with the sheets, but they were lodged under Zayn.

"No time. We've gotta go. Plus I already packed your toiletries."

"What?! Why would you do that?!" I jumped up and ran to my bag to see how he organized my things.

"I did it just how you did, babe. Calm down." I checked over everything, and thankfully he was right. He'd packed all of my things just how I liked them.

"Well I don't care when checkout is. We have dinner with your mom tonight, and my hair's not going to be a mess. I'll be in the shower."


The drive that lasted so long before, ended in what seemed like no time. That's the problem that occurs when you don't want to be arrive much quicker.

"So I'll pick you up at 5?" Zayn asked as he got my bags from the trunk.

"Yeah I should be ready by then." I reached for my bags but of course he moved out of my reach.

"Always trying to take my job." He shook his head laughing. "I'll walk you in."

I pulled my key from my bag as we approached the door, but yet again it was unnecessary. He had already unlocked the door by the time I zipped my purse closed.

"And where the hell have you been?" My dad decided to assert his authority the moment we walked in the door.

"Zayn and I went on a little vacation..."

"And you didn't think to ask?" He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. He had a glass of alcohol sitting next to him on the couch-side table, and I could tell from afar that he wasn't very clean - despite the fact that it was just past noon.

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