Chapter 15

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After we left the field, Zayn and I stopped for some lunch. It was past 3 o'clock, but for as long as we had been up, it was lunch time. After our filling meal of Burger King and an hour long drive, I was home.

I kissed Zayn goodbye, and he removed my key from his lanyard. No matter how much I told him it was unnecessary, he insisted on walking me to the door. I thanked him for a nice day, and things went a bit...further.

If it weren't for my dad opening the door, I don't know how far we would've gone. My cheeks were more red than ever as I untangled my fingers from Zayns hair, and he took his hands off of my butt.

"Good morning, sir." Zayn said, making me smile because despite the time, he had learned my dad would just be waking up.

"It was. Before I saw you toungin' my daughter."

"DAD. Inside. Now." I pushed him inside. "Bye, Zayn. Today was fun." I said closing the door. "What's wrong with you!" I scolded my father.

"Me?! Don't start, Daisy Ann. I have a bone to pick with you."

"Don't call me that."

"Speaking of calls, would you like to explain the one I just got from your school?" Crap. "You played hooky today, didn't you. With the dweeb. Well obviously he's not as much as a dweeb as you described." He crossed his arms at me.

"Nobody says hooky anymore. And don't act like you've never skipped school before, Dad."

"I have. Tons of times. But you're not me."

"Well that's for sure."

"And what the hells that's supposed to mean?" He took a seat on the couch.

"Nothing. Are you gonna clear the absence or not?"

"I already did when they called. When are you gonna be 18 so you can clear your own shit?"

"Uh, depends. When's my birthday, Dad?" My hand on my hip made me feel like my mother, so I quickly removed it.

"I don't know? Your mom always remembered that stuff. February right?"

"February what."

"Uh......" He stroked his chin, trying to think. "23rd?" I shook my head no. "25th?" Wrong again. "28th?"

"For god sakes, dad! It's leap year! My birthday is leap year."

"That's right! How did I forget?!"

"You're a terrible parent." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I said 'So what do you think of Zayn?'" I lied.

"Oh. I don't know. He's not bad I guess."

"You guess? You guys talked for like 3 hours, Dad. You've gotta have more to say. What'd you even talk about?"

"Man stuff."

"Well, I doubt that."

"So you gonna make me breakfast or what."

"No. I'm gonna shower and go to bed."

"It's only 5, you lazy ass!"

"Goodnight, father." I said and walked to my room. He mumbled something about how annoying I was, but I just kept walking.

By the time I got out of the shower and made it back to my room, my room was pink from the setting sun outside. I removed my towel and wrapped it around my hair, searching for some pajamas. I was sifting through my drawers when I noticed my phone screen was lit up with notifications. 

From: Zayn<3

-That was really awkward.

From: Zayn<3
-Babe? You there?

From: Zayn<3
-You're not getting a lecture from your dad are you? Cause I'll come back and sort things out.

From: Zayn<3

From: Zayn<3
-If you don't answer I'm coming over.

From: Zayn<3
-That's it. I'm on my way.

Just as I was about to reply and tell him I was fine, I got another text.

From: Zayn<3

-Let me in.

I took my towel off of my head and threw it back around my body before running to the front door. I was thankful to find that my dad was no longer downstairs.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" Zayn pushed past me and came inside, looking around.

"I'm fine! I was in the shower." He turned around and took in my appearance. His eyes raked up and down from my wet hair down to my bare, still-dripping legs.

"Where are your clothes."

"Like I said...I was in the shower." I said and without a word he turned around and went back to my room. "Um...ok." I followed him. "Are you ok?" I asked when I entered my room. He was already seated on my bed.

"I'm fine...I just thought something bad happened."

"Like what?"

"I don't know? I had no idea. All I knew was that you weren't answering me...I panicked." I took a seat on the floor, grabbing my brush.

"Well, I'm fine. Thanks for your concern." It was weird that he got so freaked out, but I found it endearing.

I began to run my square-pad brush through my knotted hair. It was up all day, yet it was knotted like crazy. Laying in the grass field really took a toll on it, I guess. As I struggled with the back of my hair, Zayn came and sat behind me, putting me in between his legs.

"Gimme." He said, holding his hand out. I handed him my brush, and he delicately brushed my hair, working from the bottom up. "Your hair is so long." He laughed. "It's hitting the floor."

"Yeah it does that." I laughed with him. "Why are you doing this..."

"I used to brush my sisters hair. It's kind of calming." He shrugged.

"Well let me just say: you can play with my hair whenever you want." I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the brush combing through my hair, lightly grazing my back as he gently worked out my knots.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes to see him pulling my hair and putting it over my right shoulder. He was leaning toward my neck, and I wasn't going to stop him. "So...beautiful." He said before pressing his lips to my neck. I tilted my head, making it easier for him. His lips delicately left little marks along my neckline, and I couldn't take it anymore.

I turned around, holding my towel in its place. He was looking at me with wild eyes as my fingers touched the hemline of his shirt. I pressed my lips to his as I slowly lifted up his shirt, my fingers exploring his lower stomach. He aided me in removing his shirt and I took in every bit of his torso. His tan skin shined in the low light of my bedside lamp. My fingers traced the lines of his intricate tattoos and I realized I was being watched. I blushed as he smiled at me, brushing his thumb along my cheek. I returned my lips to his and pushed him to the ground, carefully laying myself onto his chest.

I could tell he didn't know what to do with his hands as our lips moved intricately together, so I helped him by placing them on my backside. He smiled into the kiss and I broke it, repeating the same movements as earlier and going down his jawline. As I left marks along his collarbone, my hands traveled south, ending up right on the button of his jeans.

"Baby, no." Zayn said, grabbing my hands.

"Oh, sorry. You don't want-" I was climbing off of him and he interrupted me.

"It's not that I don't want to....but when the time comes it has to be perfect. You don't wanna look back and say this is how it happened..." My face was hotter than the sun with embarrassment as I leaned against my closet doors. "It's good to know you want to, though." He smirked and leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine again, only this time he didn't let it go further than that. "I'll get your pajamas."

He stood up and searched through my dresser, pulling out a large t-shirt and my infamous Superman underwear. He came back to me, extending his hand. With one arm still holding up my towel, I allowed him to help me up. He bent over and held my underwear for me. I felt like a child at first, but the way his hands grazed upon my bare legs gave me a different kind of feeling. He pulled them up all the way, then put the t-shirt over my head, only removing the towel once the shirt was on.

"Lay down." He instructed and, of course, I complied.

I put my hair up in a bun and laid under the covers, watching as he removed his jeans, joining me in the bed.

"We have to go to school tomorrow." I said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I know. My mum wasn't happy when I got home."

"My dad cleared mine. Is your mom going to?"

"Yeah. I told her you were sick and I had to take care of you."

"I'm not backing that lie up." I laughed.

"Then you'll never meet my mom." He smiled and reached past me, turning off the light.

"That's not fair." I whined, and was shocked seconds later by his lips on mine.

It was just as fun kissing him in the dark, if not better. I was more aware of his hands as he ran his fingers along my outer thigh, how tight his grasp on my hips was, how good he smelt in such close proximity. Everything was heightened, and everything was perfect.

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