Chapter 48

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"Are you ready, yet?!" Zayn called out from the kitchen.

"Yes, I'm coming!" I didn't have to get dressed up for the doctors, but I didn't exactly want to go makeup-less either. If the doctor was doing what I thought they were going to do, I was going to be blushing...and I needed some foundation to cover my red cheeks.

"You look lovely, babe." I was still slipping on my flats as I hopped into the living room. "But, I have to ask," Zayn met me halfway, letting me use his shoulder for balance, "was it necessary to look dolled up?"

"We haven't left the house in five days, I'm allowed to look decent, right?"

"I suppose so." He smiled at me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "All ready? Have you got your phone? Your purse? Your ID just in case you need it?" I nodded. "Good because we're bordering on the line of lateness."

"Well, let's go then."

We got in the car as we always did: I opened the garage while he grabbed his keys, he ran ahead and hopped in the car trying to start it and give it a chance to warm up while we buckled and got situated.

The doctors office was a short 15 minute drive from Zayn's house, definitely not long enough for me to wrap my head around what was happening. I could've had months to figure out what we were about to do, and I still would never have been prepared. I was about to find out whether or not there was something growing inside of me.

"Are you nervous?" Zayn asked.

"I don't think the word nervous justifies how I feel right now." His arm was around my shoulders again, his hand rubbing up and down my arm, trying to soothe me.

Walking into the doctors was like walking into a cliche teenage drama. There were four rows of blue chairs, the two middle rows back-to-back. The furthest wall from the door was halfway full of magazines, and halfway full of pamphlets with corny titles such as 'Being A Mom Is The Bomb!' and 'So You've Hit a BUMP In The Road'. I tried not to shiver as we passed them and went up to the window that read "Appointment Check-Ins" above it.

"Name?" The woman behind the counter seemed sweet enough. She was sitting down, but you could just tell she was small in size. Her black hair was pulled back into a tight bun, making my roots hurt just looking at it. Her nose was also a bit large, but that could very well have just been because her head was proportional to the rest of her small body. Strangely enough, it all worked for her. She was incredibly pretty.

"Daisy Toomey." Zayn said for me.

She pulled a clipboard out from behind her computer and ran down the list of hightlighted names. "You're right on time." She grabbed a highlighter and marked us off next. "Go ahead and take a seat, we'll let the doctor know you're here." We did as we were told, and sat in the two seats closest to the door that lead to patient rooms. It was also the two seats furthest from that god-awful magazine wall.

"This is terrifying." I said.

"Just breathe, babe. We need answers, and they're going to give them to us."

"This is just a really, big day."

"Not if it's false."

"Well, it still is even if it's false. My first time seeing a doctor since my mother nearly cracked my skull. Not to mention my hair appointment is in less than two hours."

"I still can't believe you set it up so closely to your doctors appointment. We don't know how long this is going to take."

"How long could it possibly take to see if there's anything in there?" I pointed at my stomach.

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