Chapter 21

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Zayn's POV

"Oh shit it's almost midnight. I gotta go." I went to head back inside.

"C'mon, Zaynie. Don't be a buzz kill." Julia pulled at my arm.

"Stop, Jules. And don't call me that." She knows how I feel about that god awful nickname.

I brushed her off and waved goodbye to the others before walking back into the ridiculously loud house. I walked through the kitchen and saw nothing but some guy getting a good feel of a girl dressed like a....nurse? Who could tell if I'm being honest.

I searched the living room for any girl with her legs actually covered, but all I could find was poor parenting. I left the loud thuds of the house and ventured into the garage. It was loud as well, everyone cheering about some game of beer pong. The only one seated was that prick Franky, so I gave him a go.

"Hey." He couldn't hear me over the crowd. "Mate!" I smacked his shoulder to get his attention, causing him to jump a bit.

"What?" He looked annoyed.

"Have you seen my girl?"

"You don't own her."

"Answer the fuckin' question. You think you'd learn by now." I threatened him. I was annoyed enough that I couldn't find Daisy, I didn't need any problems from some loser.

"I think she went outside. I really don't know."

"Thanks for nothing." I growled and went outside.

I pondered over the lawn, seeing only drunk couples. Or girls who wished they were dating the guys they were fawning over. 

I rounded the corner, passing the cracked garage door. There she was. My fists clenched at the sight before me. Some guy had his hands where they didn't belong.

Why isn't she pulling away?! She's got her hands on his chest...she...she wouldn't!

I got closer to the two of them, just as he moved his hand to her ass. I reached for his shoulder to pull him off, and he came back easily. Fast enough to deliver a nice hit to his jaw.

The asshole was on the ground in seconds, and I grabbed Daisys hand, pulling her along. We got to my car, and I opened her door, despite how mad I was. Part of me almost made her walk, but I didn't want her asking anyone else for a ride or some shit. Who knows who else would offer to help her. She had enough attention for the night.

"Thank you..." I barely heard her say the words. Why is she thanking me? I'm sure I interrupted something. That doesn't deserve a thank you, I scoffed to myself.

She reached over and pulled my hood off but I just focused on the windshield. I couldn't look at her. "Babe?" She whispered again. Every word she said only infuriated me more. I had no control.

I removed my keys from my neck and started the car, driving to her house faster than I probably should have.

"Are you just gonna ignore me..." Her voice cracked, and it took everything in me not to turn and pull her into my arms. Instead of listening to my inner pleas, I reached down and grabbed the key she gave me, handing it over to her. "You're not coming in?" She sounded offended, but more hurt than anything. "Please talk to me..." She begged. "Babe." The word almost broke me. I had to squeeze the steering wheel to stop from giving in. "Goodnight." She sighed, thankfully giving in and kissing my cheek. "I love you."

She got out of the car, and I wanted to run after her. She loves me. The three little words I've been waiting to hear all in one sentence...I've waited so long and....

"FUCK!" I had to pull away from her house or else I knew I would go after her. "She loves you, and you're letting her walk away. Real nice, mate. Real fucking nice. You're blowing it!" I cursed myself.

I made it back to my house in record timing, and pulled my phone out of the glovebox. Probably shouldn't have kept it there, but nothing bad happened so whatever. I stormed in through the garage door, hung up my keys, and was greeted by my mother.

"Hey, baby. I was just headed to work. How was your party?"

"Not now, mum." She could tell I was fuming, she had to. Only an idiot would see my flared nostrils and heavy breathing and think I'm okay.

"Your school called." I walked past her, obviously not in the mood to talk. "If you want me to clear it I suggest you explain yourself, boy."

"I skipped because it's fucking stupid to have school on Halloween, alright?"

"You better watch your mouth around me." She wagged her finger at me. Something she only does when she means business.

"Have a good night at work." I said through my teeth and went back to my room before she could speak.

I kicked off my shoes and ripped off my suit before throwing myself into bed. Not quite sure how long I laid there.

You're so dramatic. It probably wasn't even her fault. But, no. You just jumped to conclusions. I picked up my pillow and threw it with all of my mite not caring to look at whatever just shattered. She sounded like she was gonna cry. I swear if I made her cry I'm gonna kick my own ass. I couldn't sit in my bed anymore.

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!" The cursing did no good, but slightly made me feel better. "You're such a bloody idiot!" I screamed into the mirror. "It's all your fault." I couldn't stop my fist before it flew forward, shattering my reflection. "Great." I sighed. "I just keep fucking up."


I woke up around noon. My room was hot as hell thanks to the windows that were my walls. I told mum they'd be overwhelming, but of course she didn't care. I can't stand anything that interrupts my sleep.

I left my room for only a minute to get a muffin. Thankfully my mom wasn't out. She may not have even been home, but I didn't care enough to check. I grabbed my breakfast and returned straight to my room. I don't think I've ever eaten anything so lazily in my life. I laid on my side as I stuffed my face, ignoring all of the crumbs that fell onto my pillow, and when I finished I threw the wrapper to the floor. Hygiene was the least of my worries.

I rolled over and buried my face into what I thought was my pillow, but the strong scent of flowers filled my nose instantly. I never should've forced her to bring this over. It smells so does this scent even exist. It's not even like an actual flower. It's like a lavender, vanilla, coconut, linen, clean, mix of goodness that makes no sense and only messes with my senses. How does a girls hair smell THAT good?! Every girl I've ever known either smells like hairspray or burnt hair...not her. Nope. She just destroys everything I ever knew. I pulled her pillow tighter. Even though I wanted nothing to do with her, I wanted nothing more than for her to be there. Because I make no damn sense.

The rest of the day I fell in and out of sleep, only leaving my room to pee and grab some sort of junk food. I'm a guy that really enjoys sleep, but even for me, I was overdoing it.


I'm woken up by a knock on the door. What the hell...we never get visitors...mum made sure of that... I jumped from my bed, nervous. As I wrapped my hand around my bedroom door, I could hear my mum on the other side.

"I've heard so much about you! Please, do come in. That dress is lovely." Daisy? It can't be.

"Thanks." Shit! That's definitely her! I ran frantically around my room, unsure of what to do with myself. I quickly picked up my room, throwing all of the food wrappers in my bed away. I ripped my food-covered sheet off of the mattress and threw it into my laundry basket. I'll have to wash that when she's gone. I was already embarrassed.

I snuck into the hall, ducking into the bathroom and wishing my room wasn't so close to the living room. I could've been caught.

I took a good look in the mirror. In two short days I had grown enough facial hair to bring back the cruel jokes that haunted me for years. I grabbed the razor I had bought for Daisy out of the shower and shaved my face as quietly as possible. If I had used my electric razor, I would've been heard for sure.

Once my face was smooth, or as smooth as I could get it, I put on some deodorant and a sprits of cologne. I brushed my teeth a bit too loud, positive I had been heard when I gargled some mouthwash.

"Just breathe. She's still your girlfriend. Sure she said she loves you. She probably didn't mean it...just...act like it didn't happen. Let her bring it up. You can do this." I splashed some water onto my face and left the bathroom.

Before I knew it, I was standing in the living room. My feet ignored my brain and completely forgot that I had yet to put clothes on. You can't turn around now. She'll see you. Good going, you bloody idiot. I scorned myself.

"Uh...mum?" I didn't know what else to say. I should've just turned around. Who cares if she saw me, she shouldn't even be here.

"Well hello, Sunshine." My mum said when they both turned to me.

"Can you give us a minute?" I didn't know what else to say. I didn't really want to be alone with Daisy, but I didn't want to be away from her either. My mind was battling with my heart, a fight it would inevitably lose.

"Oh! Yeah, no worries. I'm headed to work anyway." She said, standing up. She wasn't even in her scrubs, she was definitely lying. Bless her. "It was lovely to meet you." She said and leant over, giving my girl a kiss and hug goodbye. "Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night? I'll be off for once." No way. Not happening.

"She's busy." I jumped in.

"I would love to, Ms. Malik." Damn it, Daisy. No!

"Please, dear. Call me Trish. I'll see you...let's say 6?" How about half past never.

"Sounds great." Dais smiled. At my mum. Is this some sort of friendship, 'cos I'm not ok with that. I liked it better when mum knew her as 'flower girl'.

"Alright. Go easy on the boy." She gestured toward me. Was that supposed to be a joke? Oh I'm laughing. You're so funny. "Bye, baby." She walked over to me. You really think I'm gonna talk to you? My plans were to have you never meet her and here you are planning dinner all of a sudden. Go away. "I said bye. Don't ignore your mother, now." She gave me her infamous 'don't make me smack you in front of your mates' look.

"Bye, mum." I seethed.

Thankfully that was all she needed and she was gone. I waited for Daisy to talk, but she was obviously at a loss for words.

"Why are you here?" I spoke up.

"You didn't answer my call."

"So you thought: 'Oh he doesn't wanna talk, let's just force him'?" That makes complete sense, Daisy.

"No...I..I don't know what I was thinking." She stuttered. "I just couldn't stand being ignored when I didn't do anything." Didn't do anything?! No she's right. She DIDN'T stop that prick from kissing her.

"That's the problem. You didn't do anything." I didn't really have the energy to fight, but I didn't have the will to control my anger either.

"Why are you being so cold?" Her voice cracked. Fuck. I hate when she looks sad like that. Stay strong, Zayn.

"You shouldn't be here."

"If you don't want to be with me, that's fine. But you can't leave me wondering what's happened. I didn't even eat until just an hour ago. Not because I was so upset I couldn't eat, I just wasn't hungry. I didn't have the energy to do anything. My mind was elsewhere. My mind was on you. Wondering what I did. Wondering what you were doing." She babbled on, her useless words jumbling together. "I had to brush my own hair and it was AWFUL." I almost laughed at that one, but the tears that slowly fell from her eyes changed my mood in an instant.

"Don't cry." I gave in, walking over to the couch.

"Don't act like you care now." She went cold and scooted away from me. I had to physically stop myself from grabbing my chest.

"I never stopped caring, Daisy." I had to look up so that she couldn't see my eyes water. It was pathetic. "Look at it from my side. What would you do if you saw me getting hit on by tons of girls? I mean, it's not exactly easy to see the girl I love with other men." I almost smacked myself for saying love, I promised myself she'd be the next one to bring it up.

"Men?! It's not a plural thing, Zayn."

"Are you forgetting Christian?"

"...I had actually." She can't be serious. "I guess I just pushed that thought out..." I wish it was that easy for me. "But it's not like I'm kissing back!"

"That's not what it looked like, Daisy!" Saying her full name felt weird on my tongue, but it was no time for nicknames.

"I was pushing as hard as I could..." That's not what it looked like. Not even a little.

"We need to get you some dumbbells or something then. Get you bulked up. I'm sick of other guys kissing my girl." Maybe we can join a gym together. The thought intrigued me.

"I only want you..." She whispered, still on a subject I was ready to move past.

"Please...stop crying." I swiped her cheeks, growing sick of the image before me. I'd never been in so much pain from seeing a person cry until I met Daisy.

"I feel like I'm losing everyone."

"I'm not going anywhere." I pulled her into my arms. You're a fool if you think I'd ever let you go. "Shh, baby it's ok." I ran my fingers through her ponytail. 

"I'm so...exhausted."

"Me too." The reminder made me yawn. "Even though I slept all day yesterday and today." I laughed at how foolish that sounded. I was a wreck.

"Really?" She sat up without my permission. I wasn't ready to let her go. "Me too."

"Well I woke up for meals. But, yeah. Lots of sleep."

"Lilly came over yesterday." The look on her face told me that wasn't a good thing.

"Why? To beat you up for kissing her boyfriend?" I laughed. She wouldn't dare...if she even tried I would handle it. I'm sure she saw what I did to that prick boyfriend of hers.

"According to Mik they aren't even dating." Wait, what?


"That's what I said! But anyway, no. I called her over. I just...I needed someone to talk to." I almost complained that pests aren't good company, but I thought it'd be best to just hold her. "I told her Mik kissed me, and she went off. Called me a liar and all this nonsense...told me to burn her stuff and basically forget we were ever friends." Good riddance.

"She does know you still have a class together, right?" She shrugged. "What an idiot....are you hungry?" I decided to change the subject.

"I told you. I ate like an hour ago. I'm just..I'm really tired."

"Go to sleep, babe." I closed my eyes and rubbed circles into her back, humming a bit, hoping it would soothe her.



"Where'd you go during the party?"

"What?" I looked down, her curious eyes blazing into mine. "I was just with some old friends, babe...why?"

"No reason. You were just gone awhile."

I continued to hum and rub her back, and thankfully within minutes she was doing that little whistle sound she only did when she was in a deep sleep. For someone who'd been sleeping for two days, she really was exhausted.

I carefully stood up, clutching her to my chest so she wouldn't wake. Once my feet were firmly planted on the ground I pulled her legs up and was able to turn her bridal style. I carried her to my room, and put her on my sheet-free bed.

I took the moment of silence to start a load of laundry. That way by morning I could replace my sheets. Once the washer was running, I went to the kitchen for a small snack.

The rest of my night was basically me trying not to gain thirty pounds. I wasn't tired, and I wasn't hungry. Just bored. I checked on Daisy a couple times, only to find her whistling away.

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