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3rd pov

The next day at school y/n was all most people talked about. Sure most were attracted to her but now with the new haircut and gained confidence it only made the attraction to her stronger.

Eli hadn't seen y/n at all so he didn't really get why they were talking about her "changing it up"
It was lunch so everyone was sitting down in their seats. As if everyone forgot how they laughed at y/n when she was covered in food; they now laughed with her sitting by her table.

From the corner of his eye, Eli spotted an unfamiliar girl surrounded by nearly half the school. "Hey, let's see who's getting all the attention," Eli said to the others at his table. They nodded their heads and walked behind Eli; who was making his way to the group of people.

"Excuse me," The boy with the red Mohawk said pushing through the girls, boys, and others.
"Hey, you must be new, I haven't seen you around. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Hawk..." Eli soon went quiet as he finally made out who this person was.

"Oh, I know" y/n clenched her jaw looking at the boy. "you look terrible" Eli lied. He knew damn well she looked good? beautiful? hot even?
"Do I really?" Y/n stood up from her seat inching closer to Eli. "They clearly don't think so" Y/n whispered to him running her hand through her red-hair stands. Eli scoffed before pushing past his friends and walked back to his table.
Y/n knew she pissed him off.

『• • • ✎ • • •』

Y/n now stood beside Miguel and to the right of her stood Bert. The park didn't have too many people on it but there was enough for y/n to end up getting distracted. Bringing her back to the real focus the blonde man spoke "this is day one. We've been here before. But things are different now. They tried to tear us down. It didn't work! They said we needed a roof and four walls...screw that! This park...will be our new dojo. Cause you don't need a dojo to be a dojo! Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sensei!" the boys and girl said together in sync. "I started cobra kai with one nerd," Johnny said pointing at Miguel. "This is a step up. And if we're going to be taken seriously...we need a name that commands respect. A name that elicits power and dominance. Cobras are strong...they be the king of the jungle, but the world is more than just a jungle. And there's only one animal that can kill a snake" Johnny said.

"A mongoose...?" Bert guessed while tilting his head. "A real animal, Bert" Johnny retorted. Johnny walked back to a small cardboard box. He pulled out a redshirt not yet unfolding it "welcome...to eagle fang karate!" Johnny said holding out the shirt allowing everyone to see it.

y/n smiled to herself, it looked pretty badass in her opinion. "Uh, eagles don't have fang—" Mitch started before being thrown the shirt directly to his face.
"Put em' on," Johnny said throwing the other student's shirts.

Y/n put the shirt over her long-sleeve, the redshirt fitting almost perfectly. "Anyone else feeling a little snug?" Mitch asked his shirt almost covering his stomach. "Do some more sit-ups" Johnny suggested.
"Alright, everybody fall in!" Johnny partially shouted.
The students straightened themselves up and corrected their rows a bit.

Just as they did some people came to stop by "sensei look" Miguel said not only catching the older man's attention but y/n's too. Y/n looked behind Johnny and Eli along with two other guys who walked up to them. Johnny chuckled as he glanced at them "still got it."
Y/n almost let out a small chuckle.

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