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Your pov

I woke up, got ready, and made my way to where I would pick up Robby. I had to admit I was pretty happy to see Robby again.
When I arrived I saw the amazing duo we all love and adore arguing back and forth. "um..hi?" I said interrupting their very manly discussion. Their heads whipped around to look at me.

"Y/n? What are you doing here" Daniel was the first to speak. "I came here to, "I said but was cut off by my sensei "kid? You shouldn't be here" Johnny said.
"I kinda have to" I was cut off again "Alright, she can be wherever she wants, Johnny" Daniel defended.
"I know Danny, I was just going to say I've got it under control" Johnny claimed.

"Just like you had Kreese under control? What did you think would happen when you summoned that devil back to life? " Daniel said. "Kreese is my problem," Johnny said pointing to himself. "'Not anymore, He's made it crystal clear that he is everybody's problem. As usual, I'm gonna have to be the one who's gonna clean up your mess" Daniel let out a sigh.

"I clean up my own messes. And I'm dealing with him"
Johnny protested. "And how exactly are you dealing with him? What are you gonna do barge in and beat him up? That worked out really great at the chop shop." Daniel said.

"Those guys deserved it." Johnny bleated. "That's your problem, Johnny. Your whole life you've been striking first. You never once considered that maybe you should think first." Daniel criticized.
"You know what I'm thinking now?" Johnny said scooting closer to Daniel "yeah I've got a pretty good idea" Daniel said gritting his teeth.

'yo are they about to kiss?'
I said in my head, I almost laughed until I heard someone speak. "Seriously?"
"Robby," Daniel said as we all turned our bodies to look at the brown-haired boy. "Hey, Robby" Johnny greeted.

I smiled walking up to Robby hugging him "hey"
"Hey" Robby mumbled. "I told you I don't want you here," Robby told Johnny as we departed from our hug. "You're my son-I wanted to be here" Johnny explained.
"And so did I" Daniel added.

"Don't do me any favors. It's your fault I was in here" Robby retorted. "Listen, I know you're upset. But I was doing what was best for you. And now that you're out, I just want you to know that I'm here. You always have a home Miyagi-Do." Daniel expressed.

"Or with me." Johnny butted in. "Both of you. Stay out of my life" Robby glared at them. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away with him.
"Robby..." I heard Johnny say as we walked away from them.

"Woah slow down you don't even know where you're going," I said stumbling a bit as Robby pulled me. Robby came to stop probably realizing I was right.
"Right, sorry" he sighed. "It's alright, we're close to my car anyway," I said.

I lead him to my car and we both got in.
"So where to?" I asked.


We now were sitting down on some chairs as Robby was about to fill out some papers he was supposed to fill. Something about probation officer or something can't remember. Robby unexpectedly stood up which caught my attention.

I was about to speak until I heard Tory's voice "yeah go ahead, they'll send you straight back to juvie"
Tory's eyes landed on me and she rolled her eyes.
"Looks like we're on the same boat," she said looking back at Robby. "Thanks to you for starting the fight," Robby replied. "And for you for finishing it. It's not fair, you know? Everyone else got to go back to normal" Tory said glancing my way.
"But here we are eating shit while Scar over here is living it up. Acting like she isn't using you cause Hawk broke up with her"

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