Chapter Three

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“ Hey, Tife's sister” We heard a voice say behind us as we walked to our class on a particular morning.

“ Who is that again” Steph groaned and we turned to look, it was a girl clad in a white shirt and a tight black high waist skirt so she was probably a law student. She was very attractive too.

“Good morning” Steph greeted her with a tight smile

“ Good morning, you guys look so alike” The girl gushed while Steph simply had a bored look on her face but smiled anyway.

“ Yeah, people say that” Steph replied, the girl didn't acknowledge me so I didn't bother greeting her.

“ I'm Cassandra but you can call Sandra. I'm the public relations officer of the students representative union and a good friend of your brother so if you need anything you can holla me” She said with a little laugh, the girl seems nice but I don't think Steph likes her that much.

“ Wow, Steph. Nice to meet you” Steph replied.

“ So is there anything you need” The girl asked

“ I don't think so but if I need anything I will contact you” Steph said

“ Can I get your phone number?” Steph added.

“Yeah” She replied and told Steph her phone number.

“I will see you later” The girl said with a bright smile and turned to leave

“ She seems nice” I said and Steph hissed

“ Nice my foot” Steph replied

“ All I see around her is fake ness” Steph continued and I gave her an I don't understand look

“ Okay, I guess I don't just like her because she is my brother's ex-girlfriend and she was the one who broke up with him” She said so I kept mute

“ But I honestly don't like the way people are knowing me as Tife's sister” She said with a frown

“ Why don't you like it” I responded

“ Because my brother is always popular and so everywhere I turn, Tife's sister, Tife's sister. It has been like that since secondary school and that was why I didn't want to come to Fortress at first” Steph said.

“ Wow, I totally can't relate” I said and we laughed

“ I want to be known as Stephanie Oriade and not as Tife's sister, and it is tiring because we like almost the same things. I wanted to join the student's representative union but I would rather not join again because my brother is the president and most people will think I got in because of my brother.” Steph said.

“ Why will people think you got in because of your brother” I asked

“ Because the SRU is very competitive. There are just four slots and it's one for each level and so I have decided to wait until my brother leaves this school before joining" She said with frustration.

“ Oh, sorry” I said

“ Anyway, I think I will join the press club instead” Steph said with a smile, I looked at Steph with admiration, she has the admirable characteristics that I desire, she is bold, eloquent, and always likes being in charge and she is a good leader. During the class election for our class representative, she took almost all the votes for herself and she became our class rep, I was surprised at the way she was able to gather people for herself in such a short time.

Despite our large difference in character, I'm glad to be her friend and I hope it lasts because I feel we are total opposites, while I'm just an average Christian girl who is a Pastor's daughter, she is a typical big girl with her beautiful and expensive looking wigs, bags and clothes. She is also using the latest iPhone.

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