Chapter Twenty Seven

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Well, I must say time runs really fast because I can't believe I have resumed for 300 level. After this section, just one more to go. Fantastic

" Why are you smiling" Hannah asked, we were in the corridor of her Faculty standing in front of an office, waiting for the woman inside to motion for her to come in. I had resumed earlier because I promised to help her with her registrations and I just want to be there for her.

" I'm just happy to be in 300 level. I remember when I was once like you, walking through the corridors of the Faculty of Accounting all in the name registrations" I said after hesitating for a moment, scared that I might provoke a wrong feeling.

" You have less than two years while I still have close to six years in this school that I'm already starting to dislike" She answered with a frown and I laughed

" Don't be in an hurry. You filled your Jamb form yourself " I said with a smile

" Next" A voice boomed from the office. I pushed her before she could say anything.

My phone vibrated and I checked the caller, Steph

" Hey, Steph" I said happily immediately I picked the call. I'm sure the excitement was evident on my face, One of the consequences of my resuming early was that I was the only one in my room and a few of us in my hostel block. The school just resumed properly on Monday and today is Wednesday.

" Where are you" She asked

" Have you gotten to school already" I responded

" Yeah, I got back this morning" She answered

" And you didn't inform me" I replied frowning

" You said you were going to be busy this morning so I didn't want to bother you. Back to my earlier question, where are you" She said lazily 

" I am in the college of Medicine. I went with Hannah for her registrations" I said

" Okay, maybe later" She said with a disappointed tone and I smiled

" When we leave here, I will branch your hostel. Hope you brought something for me" I asked 

" Minimie chin chin" She responded

" Did you bring me Minimie chin chin" I asked

" I'm trying to sass you dear and it rhymed so perfectly and also know that there is nothing here for you" She said laughing and I shook my head in disbelief.

" Oh Steph, I have forgotten about your dry jokes and poor rhymes" I replied

" Me - Minimie chin chin. It rhymed perfectly" She said with a little laugh.

" Did you eat anything bad. I'm disconnecting the call now " I said cringing. I waited for a few minutes before Hannah came out of the office She entered.

" And that's all for today. Should we get something to eat. Bills on me" She said

" Yeah but I will like to see Steph. The Steph I told you about" I said

" Oh, She is back?" She responded

" It's okay. You don't have to follow me around for my registrations anymore. You have done enough and moreover if I look very well, I will find a friend so you should just use this free time you have to have fun with your friends" She said with a little smile

" Hannah, I want to. I haven't been there for you all this while, this is the least I can do for you now" I answered strongly

" It's not your fault, you weren't aware of what was going on. I know things are different now, you have a new best friend, new friends and I don't want to trouble your friendships" She responded

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