Chapter Twenty Eight

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I was delighted to see Steph and Hannah get along really well. It was a little bit awkward at first but now they are really good friends. Unluckily again for Steph and I, we weren't paired as roommates, some students get lucky enough to be paired with the same roommates for two years consecutively or maybe twice in your duration of years in school.

Like we concluded last year, maybe next year but next year or never again because next year is our final year.

I actually dream of how it will feel to be a University graduate, being a University graduate means a whole lot of things, one is being independent and also I may and may not start to live on my own.

One and a half years to go and I still feel like a child and I'm not even really sure about what I want to do with my life, all I know is that I am in the University studying Accounting.

I looked around to see Hannah and Stephanie fighting over something, The scene only made me smile.

" What are you guys fighting over" I asked sitting up from my resting position. I was on my bed while they were sitting on the floor beside me.

" Golden morn" Hannah answered with both of them still struggling over a cup.

" And you are not ashamed to say it. Are you guys toddlers" I responded

" Whatever. This is the last Golden morn you have and I want it, she wants" Steph said, wait

" Is it mine" I asked and they both looked at me with wide eyes

" My last Golden morn. I have been saving it and you two have poured it into a cup to eat" I shouted

" Calm down. We didn't know that" Steph said

" You told us to eat whatever we want and we both want Golden morn" Hannah defended

" If I slap both of you" I said with a stern face.

" Should we eat it. We won't fight over it again" Stephanie said with a smile

" No" I smiled back and stretched to take the cup in between them.

" What do you want to do" Hannah asked looking at me suspiciously. 

" Eat it. Are you guys really that hungry for golden morn" I said

" I haven't seen golden morn in ages" Hannah responded

" The smell is so alluring" Steph said as she sniffed the air around her.

" Hebrews 13 vs 16: Don't forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased" Stephanie said with a sweet smile

" Why are you turning it spiritual, both of you should eat it" I said pushing the cup to them, clearly annoyed. 

" God loves a cheerful giver Wura, smile" Steph said as she patted my cheek

" You should stop frowning too. It will age your skin" Hannah said me

" Both of you should stand up and leave my room" I said pushing them up

" Wura, calm down. We were just teasing you" Hannah said laughing

" We are sorry" Stephanie said with a teasing smile

" We love you" Hannah said while Stephanie made kissing sounds.

" I'm definitely putting you guys up for sale" I said

" My devotional today talked about Rahab. I had never really gone deep into her story until today. Her story is so beautiful, it speaks so much about God's redeeming love" Stephanie said with her eyes twinkling as she spoke and I smiled

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