Chapter Nineteen

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Yup it's my birthday!

The air felt as usual as always, nothing special. I thought I will feel different because it's my 18th birthday but instead I woke up with a mood that was like 'you are 18, okay'

I woke up to tons of happy birthday wishes. I actually didn't wake up on my accord, my roommates woke me up with shouts of ' Wura, happy birthday' and I looked at them with incredulity because I didn't remember telling them about my birthday, we haven't really spoken deep.

What surprised the most was that everyone in my hostel block knew today is my birthday.

All fingers were pointing to only one person, Steph.

And after telling everyone today was my birthday and since we finished lectures, I haven't seen her anywhere. I was about to try calling her number again when a message popped up on my screen. It was from Hannah, my best friend before she left for school.

Hey girl! Happy 18th birthday. I miss you so much.I know I have no excuse to give concerning my behaviour since I left but I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me. Greetings to your Dad and Grandma. I love you.

As much as the message made me happy that she at least replied, it also made me worried because she didn't really say much and the reason why she cut off ties. I called her several times before and she didn't respond to my call, she should have at least explain why.

I sent a message back to her hoping she would reply. I remember when we used to eat Banga rice made by my Grandma in my house, that was Hannah's best food. I will always tell her she had a weird taste of food. To show how much Hannah loves Banga rice, she eats it on her birthdays.

" Stephanie" I screamed into the phone after she picked my call.

" Don't block my ears" She screamed back, I chuckled

" Where are you? You practically abandoned me today. On my birthday" I said and she laughed a little before responding.

" I'm sorry. Right now, I'm sitting on your bed in your room" She replied

" What? Stand up, don't sit on my bed. I just spread a new bedsheet today and I should be the first person to sit on it" I grumbled truly annoyed.

" How old are you again? 10" She responded

" Just leave my bed before I get to my room and make sure you straighten where you sat" I answered

" Really Wura, you are a baby" Stephanie teased

" Thank you" I said and started marching towards my hostel. Earlier this morning when my Dad and Grandma video called me, they looked more happier than I celebrating the birthday. It made me wish Mum was still here. She would have made a fuss about my birthday and probably throw me a surprise party and say Wura, this is your birthday and God is happy when you are happy. She says that a lot to people who don't want to celebrate their birthdays.

I opened the door to my room to see a fair number of people in my room.


Happy birthday Wura!

I placed my hands on my mouth in astonishment. I felt a lot of emotions rushing to me .It was almost like I was in the wrong room. The room was decorated with balloons and ribbons. There was a big cake with candles on Stephanie's hand and on my bed were gift boxes and a big teddy bear. There were also platters of small chops, stick meats and soft drinks. I knew Stephanie's disappearance was fishy but I hadn't expected this.

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