Chapter Eight

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This is the kind of mood I like, sitting lazily after exams with my phone in hand and just chilling.

Although I will miss Steph and school for the three weeks we have to go home but I just can't contain the excitement of going home, my Daddy and Grandma. I will be able to eat a proper meal and not cafeteria food, I will sleep without restrictions and enjoyyy

" Wura, I don't think I did my Economics exam well" Steph said, we were laying together on the bunk bed.

" Same here" I responded

" That's not true. I saw the way your pen was moving with so much accuracy and zeal" She replied

" I only wrote what I knew, I didn't finish my exam. It wasn't smooth at all" I said

" I'm worried" She said

" I know I don't plan to leave this school with a first class degree but I should at least make it to second class upper division" She continued and I chuckled

" I know we will do better in our future exams and moreover God will always bless the works of our hands no matter how little it might look to us. As long as we do our best God will always prosper us" I said with certainity

" Amen oh. I hope so oh" Steph said

" Steph, God never fails so don't hope so believe it" I said

" It is easier for you to say not me" Steph said

" And why is that?" I asked with a frown

" I didn't prepare well for the exam. I just hope I pass it because Tife will be disappointed in me. You know he asked me to read the number four question they asked in the exam but I didn't read it and the question was like 20 marks out of 70 and.... See I just hope God will help me" Steph said  and I patted her back gently

" It's okay but my honest advice to you is to worry less and pray to God for Favour" I said

" Evangelistic" Steph hailed and we laughed

" I know you will miss me" She continued and I hissed, she was referring to our three weeks break

" Why would I miss you" I answered

" I can see the look on your face already" She said and I grinned

" I will rather be thankful that I'm free from your craziness for three good weeks" I said smiling

" The bible says that anybody that insults his brother is in danger of hell" Steph said teasingly and started tickling me, I laughed uncontrollably

" Oriade Stephanie leave me alone" I exclaimed

" You people should stop your noise ooo" Peace shouted from her bunk bed

" Abi ooo they will not let me watch my film in peace" Pelumi said

" Pelumi but you are with earpiece" I said still smiling

" But I can still hear your noises" Pelumi replied

" You guys should sha sorry" Stephanie said and I laughed at the expression she was making to them

" How are you going to celebrate your birthday" I asked, Stephanie's birthday is two weeks from this day.

" I don't really have the energy to throw a party so I don't really know yet but I wish you were living in Lagos. It would have been fun" She said with a pout

" I don't really fancy living in Lagos, Ibadan is better to me. I usually visit my maternal family during Christmas
but I visited my Mum's elder sister who lives here in Lagos last Christmas so this time around I'm visiting my Uncle's family in Abuja" I said

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