Chapter Twenty Six

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Note: Hannah, the new character was Wura's best friend.

" Wuraoluwa, what are you still doing" I heard my Grandmother shout from down the stairs.

" I'm coming" I shouted back as I hurriedly sprayed some perfume on my body before running down the stairs.

" What took you so long, it's not like you are wearing anything special" Grandma mumbled

" Grandma, am I not looking beautiful" I asked with a pout, I was wearing a simple dress with block heels.

" Are you going to Church to impress anyone" She said with a stern look and I grumbled

" Come on, we are already late for Church" Grandma said pushing me out of the house. I rarely follow my Dad to Church because he goes to Church early as the resident Pastor and most times I can't meet up and so I usually follow my Grandma and honestly I don't understand how but she dresses up so quickly. It's maybe because she wakes up so early.

I felt very happy at the moment, I have always loved going on a drive, just being in the car and feeling the cool breeze fanning my face, the bustling streets of Ibadan and thank God we don't really get stucked in traffic here like Lagos. I also love being in my home church, the warm smiles, atomsphere of love and my memories with friends from my childhood. Although they aren't really around because everyone has to go to school now and apparently grow up. I always miss them around because most times when I come home from school, it usually only me. I miss Hannah especially.

When I think about it with Hannah and Tife, friendship doesn't always last forever but the memories do so I think it is better to enjoy the friendship while you can. The lovely memories I had with Hannah and Tife will forever be in my heart.

" Hey Wura" I heard a familiar voice say behind me, I turned to see my one time crush, Micheal

" Hey Michael" I said shaking his outstretched hand with a sweet smile, we aren't that close any more but we were while we were young.

" When did you get back" He asked

" Last week" I answered still smiling, I didn't ask him when he got back from school too because  he is one of the familiar faces I see when I come home. He attends the University of Ibadan.

" It always seems like you've grown everytime I see you" He said with a light chuckle and I laughed too.

" I guess I will see you around" He said when the opening prayer started and I nodded.

My father always encourage me and everyone in the church to dance and worship God and not to be shy in God's presence and so everyone in my Church including me are good dancers. There is no way you won't dance, if you don't want someone to attach their arm to yours and pull you to the front dancing but It's usually a very nice and lovely moment in my Church.

My Dad was the preacher, he preached about being True ambassadors of Christ wherever we find ourselves. He asked us to evaluate ourselves, how much we modeled Christ through our lives and conducts. One of the things that blessed me was how diligently we must do the work that Christ has called us to do on earth. How well we should be harbingers of peace on earth.

After Church, I stayed back waiting for my Dad because my Grandma wanted to visit other Church members. She tried convincing me to go along with her but I protested against going and she reluctantly let me stay back, her facial expression said it. I laughed remembering that Grandma always likes when I follow her around, carry her bag and then people asking questions like is she your Granddaughter, she looks so much like you. She likes that.

" Wura, sorry I kept you waiting" Dad said when he got into the car.

" It's no problem but I took some money from your drawer to buy this" I said holding up the chips and coke in my hands.

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