Chapter Twenty Nine

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I asked a question at the end of the last chapter and I got no response as at the time I was writing this chapter so I will be asking three of my readers I have noticed because of their constant votes the question again. delouxeon mayodele damilola678 to the question at the end of the this chapter.

Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence.

Proverbs 27 vs 9 TPT

When I got admitted to the University. I thought four years was a very long time but now I can't just believe I have spent three years out of the four years and I have just one year more. It feels like yesterday when I was so excited to leave for school for the first time as a fresher.

A lot has happened so far, my third year wasn't quite eventful, There wasn't much drama but something amazing happened, Dieko got saved. He said he wanted to try being a Christian and he doesn't want to miss out on what we say we enjoy from God, we were so excited to hear that. With that it shows that God is gradually taking control of his heart.

I can say that my third year was more of bonding with my friends, getting new friends like Kiitan. He wasn't as bad as I thought him to be, he is actually a very cool and fun person to be with. We study together too alongside Stephanie and Dieko, he is really smart.

Hannah and Dieko got closer and you know, Stephanie and I was so curious to know if they had something more because their closeness was so evident, they hang out without us, Dieko always knows Hannah's whereabouts and likewise the same for Hannah. But when we finally asked them face to face, they told us they were just friends and maybe best friends.

Stephanie got elected into the SRC, I contested to be our department's association secretary and luckily for me I won. Tiring but quite interesting. Another thing I was and am still working on is to make sure I graduate with a first class honours and so I plan to be a very serious student next section so as to get my first class degree. I have to make my Fathers proud.

When we vacated two weeks ago, Stephanie told me she wanted come and spend the holiday with me in Ibadan, Hannah and I was happy about the news but we weren't too sure her parents would allow but I told my Dad about it and he agreed. We all wanted her to come so we prayed about it and earlier this week she called and told me her parents finally agreed and so presently, Hannah and I are patiently waiting at the Airport with my Dad for Steph to arrive.

" Isn't that Steph" Hannah said as she tapped my arm excitedly, Some distance away stood Steph with a pink suitcase, she was waving and smiling widely at us. Hannah and I ran towards her

" Stephanie" I screamed as we pulled her into a bone crashing hug

" I can't believe I'm in Ibadan" She squealed

" Same here, somebody should pinch me. I can't believe I'm seeing Steph in Ibadan" Hannah said and I granted her request

" Ouch, what was that for" Hannah said twisting her face in pain

" You asked for it" I responded wearing a sweet smile on my face

" Guys, we are going to paint Ibadan pink" Stephanie said in a loud voice

" That sounded weird. It should be red" Hannah said and I smiled

" I wanted a lighter shade" Stephanie said

" Pink isn't a lighter shade of red, Steph" I answered

" Must I explain myself to you guys. If you mix white with red, you will get pink" Steph said as she rolled her eyes

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