Chapter 21 - Outside, Now

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"We could head to a club downtown," Jules offered, throwing his apple in the air then catching it, only to take a bite afterwards. "Most high schoolers go there on Friday nights." Tyler sighed, popping out her bottom lip before blowing air onto the strand falling in front of her face, seeing it rise before returning to its original spot. Jules furrowed his brows when he heard her groan and lay her head onto her folded arms on the table. "Are you on your period?"

"Just because I'm in a bad mood, doesn't mean I'm on my period," she snarled, glaring at him for a second before sharply looking away. Jules rolled his eyes, handing her one of his cookies and snorting when she snatched it out of his hands and took a huge chunk of the cookie. She tried to keep a strong front while munching on its chocolate but when he sent her a knowing smile, she whispered, "I am on my week but you just guessed."

"Tyler, we've literally dated before and have been sex buddies since," he laughed, slowly shaking his head as he took a bite of his own. "I know everything about you."

Nate's eyes widened in disbelief glancing towards Jules who's gaze was still flirtatious eyeing Tyler. It was Tyler that remembered that they weren't alone, her eyes quickly turning to Nate before slamming her foot against Jules' shin under the table.

"Don't worry," Nate exhaled sheepishly, scratching the side of his face. "I-I...I wasn't listening."

Jules couldn't help but explode into laughter, shaking his head and offering one of his cookies to Nate. "It's alright, there's nothing wrong with you knowing," he chuckled coolly.

Nate glanced between the two of them repeatedly, seeing Tyler's gaze narrow in his direction, but he still leaned in and murmured to Jules, "Tell me the gossip, why did you break up? Was she not good in bed—?"

"Enough!" Tyler slammed her palm on the table, throwing the last piece of her cookie in Jules face while glaring at Nate. Jules had the brightest smile on his face, catching the piece in his palms and handing it back to her, knowing she would eat it—which she did.

"No talking about this," she pointed a finger toward Jules face, "he might end up telling his best friend Dante and we don't want that."

When Tyler said it, she instantly regretted it. It had slipped out without her thinking; the only thing in her mind was the fact that she didn't want Dante to know about her relations with Jules; yes he knew they were friends, but intimacy played with emotions and Dante always said, "If I needed to kill Jules, I wouldn't want you to hate me or get in the middle of it. So no, no dating him or nothing; you stay friends and that's it."

But she hadn't really thought about the fact that Jules was always wary about Dante and who he might use to get intel on him. That was why Jules instantly stopped chewing, pausing for a moment as his entire facial expression shifted, from a happiness carefree to a tighten lip, lowered eyebrows and a stiffened jaw. His eyes slowly diverted to Nate who inhaled a sharp breath, having noticed the sudden tension in the atmosphere surrounding them.

Jules' nostrils flared, a sharp exhale through them before his glare turned to Tyler.

"Outside, now."


"You should've fucking told me!"

"I was going to!" When his eyes grew sharper for a moment, she stepped backwards and glanced elsewhere. "E-Eventually—"

"How do I know he's not sitting with us just to get info on me?"

"He's not!" Tyler shouted, attempting to place her palms on Jules arms to calm him, but he shoved her hands away. "Julien, listen to me, please—"

"I trusted you!" he snapped, his scream echoing in the air which made Tyler gulp.

He had been panicking, pacing from left to right, the sun blaring on both of them and revealing the glistening sweat across his forehead. His breathing had grown heavy the moment they stepped inside, and his shoulders had broadened as if he was preparing himself for a fight. He would never lay a hand on Tyler, but his knuckles had pounced on the brick walls a couple times, Tyler hesitating to check his hand but wanting to keep her distance and let him cool down.

He continuously sent his fingers through his hair, exhaling long series of curses as his thoughts began to rush. This was why he didn't want anything with Tyler, why they had broken up long ago but decided to maintain a friendship. Their bond had been too special that he still considered her his soulmate, but the fact that they were on two different sides made it way too dangerous for the both of them.

She would tell him about Dante's ambush, and he would tell her the same, to protect each other and prevent either one of them of dying. But that wasn't fair, it hindered their lives anyway, which was why they decided to stop themselves from feeling forced to do so. However, there were times when Jules needed someone to simply talk to, and Tyler was his person. He felt a bit more comfortable after she left Dante's crew.

But he didn't want to affiliate with anyone from Dante's side, especially not a new guy that they both knew nothing about.

"You can still trust me!" Tyler was desperate, never having seen her friend in such panic. She motioned towards Nate who stood a bit further away from them, not wanting to be brought into the middle of their heated argument. "You can trust him too Jules, I promise."

Jules scoffed, laughing incredulously before slamming the side of his fist against the wall. "You met this kid three days ago!"

Tyler paused, closing her eyes for a second and inhaled a long breath, letting her exhale be slow and steady to feel her heartbeat slow down a little. This whole situation was too intense and she needed a few seconds to regroup. As much as she would love to believe that Nate was a good and trustworthy person, it was right that she didn't know him completely.

But that was the choice she mad and her gut told her it was alright.

"What does he do anyway?" Jules spat, his attention diverting to Nate which made him swallow hard, glancing in every direction to avoid Jules venomous glare. "Is he a hit-man?"

"No, not even." Tyler jumped in front of him, attempting to block his view of Nate and have him focused on her, but it was quite hard when he could stare over her head.

Jules lowered his eyes for a second. "Then what is he?!" Tyler bit her bottom lip, meeting Nate's gaze for a second. She didn't want to tell Jules, but this may be the only way to calm him down. "What the fuck is he to Dante?"

Tyler's exhaled a shaky breath. "O-Okay, he's—"

"Are you looking into me, Julian?" Their argument had been terribly loud that they hadn't heard the truck veer across the parking lot. It had parked a bit further away from them, but it was still in their range of view. However, his footsteps had been terribly quiet that none of them had realized he had been approaching them. "Scared still?"

Dante had been wearing a navy hood with black baggy sweatpants with a bottle of vodka in one hand and a cigarette dangling between his index and middle finger. He placed the cigarette on the edge of his lip, raising his palms to his side and bowing forward, as if waiting for applauses. "My grand entrance, unbelievable timing."

They all noticed the way his eyes were droopy, barely even able to walk straight while making his way closer to them. But he seemed unusually happy, waving in their direction before finally pausing a few steps away. "How have you all been?"

Jules had stood still, his eyes bulging while he stared at Dante's standing before him. One second, they both eyed each other, Jules in shock while Dante had a uneven smirk on his lips.

The next, Jules had a gun aiming directly at Dante's forehead.

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