Chapter 66 - Well done Molly

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Dante wanted to break every single bone of anyone around him. His fingers had contorted, folding into quivering fists that he struggled to keep down to his sides. There was no way Tyler would help them after what happened with Jules, but none of them knew if she would seriously attempt to hurt any of them.

Lucius shrugged his shoulders, staring at the panicked faces of his brother. "I don't see the big deal. Even if Tess is here, why should that change anything?"

"I agree with Lucius," their father chimed in.

"She goes by Tyler now," Molly mumbled before speaking a bit louder and stating, "Her being here isn't an issue. It's the fact that she knows about our plan."

Dante nodded his head, exhaling a sharp sigh. The line started moving forward and they were getting closer to the entrance. However, they needed to decipher how Tyler knew of their mission and oddly enough, it felt as if time was ticking much faster now.

"Who was in the room with you all when you came up with this plan?" Draco asked.

Bronsted began counting on his fingers. "It was me, Molly, Dante, Reno, Ralphy, Lucius and Eric."

When Eric heard his name, his ears perked, swallowing hard as he felt the murderous gaze of Draco turn to face him. He could feel it burn at the side of his skull, but he attempted to act clueless, lowering his gaze to the floor and keeping it there.

After they questioned him on how he arrived to their base, his answers were deemed untrustworthy and they ordered him to stay. It wouldn't have been that bad if he had been able to stay in his own secluded room, but instead, he was held in Draco's bedroom, with Draco. One positive side to staying in this bedroom was the fact that it was unnaturally spacious, which made sense as Draco was unaturally huge, practically a modern day giant. Oh, let's not forget the continuous food supply that Draco received from servants as he was always in need of food to fuel those wide muscles.

Draco had been standing the entire time, pacing back and forth and halting only when Eric had an idea. Eric was seated on a desk chair, attempting not to look towards the corner of the room where a gigantic mirrored cabinet held an unreasonable amount of weapons, ranging from swords to double-barrell shotguns. If Draco even got angry for a split second, it was his doomsday, and he swallowed hard at the thought of being the victim to Draco's grasp.

So far, it had been calm though.

All they had were earpieces and no view, therefore they could not see what was happening with the boys. They had to rely on their words to help, and the one with the most knowledge of the place and who this mission was based on, was Eric.

After helping them significantly and even—maybe not completely—converting to their side, he was shocked and slightly offended that they'd still consider him as the traitor. Even after he had agreed to stay by Draco's side throughout this mission. "How would I have had time to tell your sister the plan? I've been by Draco right when you all left. Before that, the one day that we were left together, I had to stick by Reno."

"And Reno barely sleeps so he would have seen or heard something," Bronsted added.

Dante felt his body growing warm. Not knowing what was going on was one of the most irritating feelings as he was always in control.

Eric continued. "Then that leaves Molly, Lucius, Bronsted and Raphael."

Lucius scoffed when he heard his name. "I dare you to blame me again."

A short pause followed before Eric cleared his throat and breathed shakingly. "T-Then that l-leaves Molly, Bronsted and Raphael."

"And Dante," Bronsted corrected.

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