Chapter 95 - "All different dimensions."

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"We have to go meet up with the others."

"We will," Nate cooed.

He stepped forward, pushing Dante's knees apart and settling himself between them. Dante was seated on the bed, and Nate stood in between his legs, wrapping an arm around his neck.

Nate noticed how heavy Dante's breathing became instantly. It was almost as if he was trying not to succumb to his desires as he whispered, "They'll ask where we are."

"They can wait."

Dante tilted his head back, his black hair lengthening to the bottom of his shoulder blades. He closed his eyes and moaned when Nate's fingers spread through them, which only made Dante reached around his waist and embrace him tightly. "I missed this so much," he admitted quietly, letting all his senses take the reigns. "Being able to touch you without you getting mad at me."

Nate raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his lips. "Maybe I should get a little bit angry with you?" When Dante slightly opened his eyes, he saw Nate wiggle his eyebrows and couldn't stop himself from chuckling, breaking into a cheerful grin.

"Those days..."

After a few seconds of silence, Dante lowering his eyes to the foot, his feet shuffling, he cleared his throat and asked,
"Y-You don' don't l-like what you s-see?"

With the knife left on his palm for Nate to grab, he cooed sheepishly, "Can you...tease me...with this?"

Dante stayed quiet for a second. "M-Master N—"

Another smack across the face; this time, Dante felt a slight cut at the corner of his lip. "No stuttering! Say it with your chest."

Dante already felt as if he was reaching his limit, his panting overboard as he tilted his head forward even more. After a long silence, he said sternly, "Master Nate."

"It's strange to admit this," Dante began quietly, closing his eyes again. Nate tilted his head to the side, still letting his fingers glider through each strand with delicacy, and he could physically see the peace radiating from his skin. "I don't feel the need to do that anymore."

Nate raised his eyebrows. "You don't?"

"For years, I was looking for someone to make me feel...human," he admitted with a frown, realizing how odd that sounded. "I wanted to feel the adrenaline rush of being scared and almost killed, and that made me selfish." Nate hadn't heard Dante ever reveal this to him, which was why his lips was sealed and he focused his attention all on Dante's soothing tune. "Raphael never explicitly said this—and I know it bothers you to talk about Raphael but I have to share this..."

"No," Nate grinned, "I'm listening, go on."

Dante exhaled a long breath. "I think the reason why Raphael and I eventually broke up was because I couldn't stop needing this." He had his eyes closed, thus he couldn't see the expression across Nate's face. "He couldn't play the role, so I would still let other men do that to me while being in a relationship with him. A lot of the times he had to..." Dante swallowed hard, realizing now how awful it must've been for him, "...sit there and watch...since he was assigned to me..."

"Flowers! I call flowers! Dante, I can't do it." The knife quivered in his palm as he stared at the restrained Dante, who grew even more irritated every time Raphael called the safe word. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Ralphy," Dante groaned in frustration. "How many fucking times do I have to tell you that you don't fucking hurt me?" When he saw Raphael shake his head, he sighed and hissed, "This feels really good to me!"

"Well it doesn't feel good to me," Raphael snapped, throwing the knife to the side and leaning down. Dante felt his restraints start getting lose and rolled his eyes. "I don't think this is love."

"It is love," Dante spat, letting Raphael removed the restraints. "You're just not who the fuck I need to love, how about that?" He stormed to his feet and kicked the restraints, glaring at Raphael before heading towards the door.

Raphael lunged to him before he could leave, grabbing onto his wrist and stopping him as he pleaded, "Dante, please! Why can't you understand that I just can't do this?!"

"I keep trying to convince myself that I love you, but maybe I fucking don't," he snarled, which made Raphael flinch.

He felt as if his heart had been torn away from his body by Dante, who was gripping the fragile organ but merely squeezing it harder with single one of his jabs. That made Raphael pull away, trying really hard not to reveal the bundling emotions that was forming a lump in his throat, stinging his eyes and starting the series of sniffles and hiccups. If Dante saw any sort of sadness or tear, it would only infuriate him even more.

"You think you don't love me because I can't fucking beat you up without feeling guilty?" Raphael exclaimed, widening his arms. "That's fucking ridiculous, Dante!"

"It's not to me, so either work up the courage or were fucking done." With that, he barged out of the bedroom, slammed the door closed behind him and left.

He could feel Nate's breath linger across his face, as if it was a cold breeze massaging his skin. That was all he needed to keep his mind composed. "I hurt him, really bad. I need to really apologize to him. I remember after he broke up with me, he avoided me for months." He exhaled a sharp breath, leaning his forehead against the crook between Nate's ribs. "All I'm trying to say is that I don't feel the need to be satisfied through that anymore. The love I have for you is different Nate; you're my soulmate. You're my person," he breathed. Then, he titled his head backwards and met the blue irises that mesmerized him. "That makes me feel human."

He saw Nate's cheeks grow a slight tint of pink and that didn't stop him. "So us, like this, with my arms around you and feeling your fingers in my hair...if I had to choose between this or being tied up, I would choose this in all different dimensions where we exist."

Nate felt as if his entire body had fallen into such peace, that if he was to die at that very moment, he would be content. Hearing those words from Dante was, without realizing, all he truly needed. However, Dante furrowed when he saw Nate's bottom lip begin to quiver. That was when he noticed the eyes on the brims of tears, which alarmed him immediately.

Nate felt Dante's grips tense as he whispered, "Are you alr—?"

He was interrupted by the set of lips that pressed against his own. It was a soft gentle kiss, without deepening the kiss, and they held it for a few seconds. Dante felt a drop on his cheek, and he only realized it was a tear from Nate when they pulled away and Nate had quickly swiped the track it had formed, from his cheek. "Nate, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, Dante," he sniffled, shaking his head. Then, his bottom lip began to quiver more, and his voice coiled as he revealed, "I'm...I'm finally happy again."

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