Chapter 78 - Whose blood?

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Nate hadn't even realized he fainted.

It was only when his eyes widened open that he remembered what happened prior to his waken. However, he wanted to go back to sleep, because the first thing in his sight were a pair of piercing golden irises that seemed to be digging to find his soul. They were too sharp, lethal on their own, and he couldn't glance away since he had no idea what nor who this could be. Nate had wondered why the ceiling had been unnaturally high ever since he woke the first time, but with this man standing in front of him, he realized why.

He seemed to be a giant, comparable to a tyrant as he straightened his spine with a malevolent grin. Even his teeth were slightly pointy, and from the way his tightened jaw seemed to flex whenever he moved, Nate was certain those teeth had bit to harm before. Surprisingly though, Nate wasn't scared, rather confused and not really wanting to deal with a random. To be fair, he wasn't exactly sure what he wanted to do—go home? Attempt to return to a normal life?

In an attempt to avoid this stranger standing in his room, he glanced at either sides of him before simply closing his eye again.

"That's disrespectful," he heard in a growl. "Going back to bed when you have a visitor—"

"Not when I have no idea who this visitor is and have no desire to talk to them," he snarled in his raspy voice, peeking for a second before twisting away from him, shuffling for a better comfort spot. "Now leave me the fuck alone, I need some rest to figure out what I want to do with my damn life."

There was a pause, shortly followed by a snicker. However, the footsteps never went away, but Nate didn't bother to argue for him to leave. Instead, he ignored—or at least he attempted to—the overwhelming presence from behind him. It felt as if those eyes were burning a hole through his back, and he forced himself to stay calm and not let the irritation get the best of him. Besides, what could he possibly do with one arm, a malnourished body and one line of sight?

"Do you know who I am?" That tone of voice was enough for Nate's eyes to shoot open rapidly. For some reason, it made a cold shiver linger across the back of his neck, as if winter had suddenly fallen inside the room. He wanted to turn back and take a good look at this man, but he didn't want to see the expression on his face. His voice sounded as if he was related to grim reapers, evoking random deaths that could happen in Nate's head. When there was no response from Nate, he heard the footsteps get closer. "I like to be answered when I speak."

"I don't know who you are and I honestly don't care—"

Without a second to think, Nate had been gripped by the collar, and his back was slammed against the wall. The hand was robust and gigantic, pinning him to the wall with one arm. His feet weren't even touching the ground, and the heartbeat machine had started to beep endlessly because a few cords had been detached from the violent grasp. The ache that shot throughout Nate's body was unbearable, but he was having a hard time gasping for air that no noise came from his mouth.

There was no way the man holding him was human.

"I'm not like Dante," he spat, his bushy golden brows rising as his eyes widened with taunting rage, "so I don't like little brats talking to me that way. Neither do I care about your life. So," he squeezed a bit tighter, feeling Nate quiver under his hold and hearing a screech. "You show me respect and I let you live. Do we have an understanding?"

Nate was refusing to adhere, but when he felt his vision begin to blur and his windpipe closing even more, a rapid nod granted him his release. He collapsed on the ground and coughed so much that he almost puked. Letting himself roll to his back, he gagged, gripping his chest which how much his lungs felt to be spazzing in pain.

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