Chapter 169 - "I'm your father, Nathan."

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The man was kneeling near him; his shins were on the ground while he sat on the back of his ankles, his knees pressed together with his hands on his lap, tugging at the end of his sleeve; from the way he was seated, he appeared as if he was a porcelain doll. He flinched when Nate cough, then glanced upwards at his workers who sent him a reassuring tight lip smile.

Cesar wasn't sure what to say.

He had been overthinking this initial interaction with Nate, and although he had rehearsed what he would have said, the words felt stuck in his throat. Plus, this wasn't really how he had pictured Nate to be when they meet; unconscious on the ground.

Ever since Draco had told him that Nate was his son, he couldn't stop thinking about how much he had failed him. He should have known Judith was pregnant, and even though he wanted to make things right with Nate, there was so much time they had missed. Not only that, but he felt as though his turtleneck was squeezing against his neck a bit tighter, suffocating him, every time he glanced at the prosthetic arm. His men had been the one to cause this much trauma to his own son, his own men.

Hence, as he sat in front of Nate, he wanted to pull him into a caress but he didn't, neither did he really know what to say.

It was a doctor from Cesar's medical team beside him who spoke first. "Nathan Dayne, we've administered epinephrine since your heart rate was alarmingly slow, and we're also performing a blood transfusion as we speak." They pointed to the needle in Nate's vein; he hadn't even realized it was there. "Additionally," the doctor pointed to the bullet wound that was now covered in bandages, "we were able to ensure you have adequate circulation, and stopped the bleeding from your gunshot wound but you have to be monitored since you've lost an ample amount of blood. We need to get you to our hospital as soon as—"

"Who are you guys?" Even after explaining all he had done to save Nate's life, Nate's face remained in a glare as he frantically glanced between all the individuals surrounding him, including the white-haired one kneeling in front of him. "What's going on?"

"I figured you wouldn't know who I am since we've never crossed path. Well, we have, but you were..." Cesar didn't want to finish that sentence; he shouldn't bring up what happened at his bar. "You've probably heard of me by name; I'm Cesar Dayne but I go by Wolf—"

"Where's Dante?" Cesar was surprised by the interruption; Nate didn't listen to a single word he said. It wasn't on purpose though, Nate couldn't focus on a single thing. His blood pressure was through the roof and he felt extremely alert that he could practically hear every single ant crawling underneath the soil. Each leaf on the tree, the slightest movement; he could even hear the swooshing of the blood entering his veins to replenish his loss volume. "Where's Lucius?" Nate didn't even give any of them a second to respond since his head spun around, finally realizing where they were.

He had been moved behind one of the tree trunks, hidden from view from the battle. However, it wasn't hard to hear the battle still happening between Lucius and Draco. There was no hesitation as he leaned down, trying to pull the needle from his arm out with his teeth but he was stopped by Cesar who reached forward, instinctively placing his palm on Nate's shoulder.

"Nathan, you need that blood transfusion or you will die—"

"Who are you?"

That comment took Cesar by surprise, retrieving his palm away from Nate. Even though he knew Nate wouldn't know him, it still hurt. He was moments from introducing himself again when Nate spun around, heading directly for the battlefield with the needle still in his arm.

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