Chapter 115 - Tell us the truth Dante

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"Maybe I fucking should," Lucius bellowed, dismissing his brother. "The only reason Jules is still alive is because Draco is in love with Wolf! He's been letting Wolf fuck him for God knows how long!"

Instantly, Lucius' jaw was smashed with Draco's fist, immediately propelling him towards the metallic wall. They heard a crack when Lucius' body slammed into it, collapsing onto the floor without even shrieking from the pain, the bottle tumble a couple feet away from him. All they saw was him reach for his shoulder, and shove it back into place with gritted teeth. He groaned, turning to lay onto his back to stop his mind from spinning; it wasn't spinning because of the hit but mostly because of the overwhelming amount of alcohol circulating his blood.

That wasn't the last of Draco, who lunged forward and raised his foot, aiming directly down onto Lucius' skull. Thankfully, Jake who had been near, reached for Lucius' ankles and pulled him further away from the impact before it could hit him.

"Are you alright?" Jake worried, hovering over him as Lucius closed his eyes, his breathing way too heavy. His chest was rising and falling at an alarming rate that Jake leaned closer to examine his face, when he saw Lucius' eyes slowly open. The next second, a fist came flying to the side of Jake's face, and he dodged it at the last second—luckily, Lucius speed seemed impaired by the alcohol and the fact that he had gotten hit a moment ago.

"Get away from me and don't ever fucking touch me again," Lucius growled menacingly.

That only caused a frown to stretch on Jake's face. "I saved you from getting your skull bashed in."

"Jake." His eyes met the narrowed ones of Dante who vigorously shook his head, pointing towards the roaring Draco whose shoulder was broadened and was stepping towards them. "Now is not the time."

"I'm going to tear his throat apart with my bare hands," Draco snarled nastily as he leaped towards his groggy son who still remained flat on the ground.

Reno and Bronsted intercepted as well, standing beside Dante with their hands up defensively. Reno swallowed hard; he had never been on positive terms with his father, mostly because he was considered rebellious and his father despised that trait from him. It also meant he endured the worst punishments, but perhaps that made him mentally stronger than the others. "Draco, calm the fuck down!" Reno shouted, his hands bawled into fists as he prepared himself if he needed to defend Lucius.

"He's drunk and he's grieving," Bronsted added alongside Reno, also raising his fists. "Cut him some slack!"

But unfortunately, Lucius wasn't helping them plead their case as he bellowed from behind them. "It all makes sense now! You kept Jules alive and went above and beyond to save Nate but you couldn't do that for Raphael and I. It's because they're both Cesar's sons and you're in love with Cesar!"

Draco reached the handle of his shotgun. "If you all don't make him shut up, I will blast all of your skulls open."

Jake reached for Lucius, attempted to place his palm over his mouth. At this rate, Lucius was going to get all of them killed—he had never seen Draco enraged in this way before. "Lucius, stop going at it with him!"

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF ME!" The shriek made them all freeze, and Lucius took this moment to instep of his foot directly into Jake's ribs, causing him to tumble to the floor. "You are all weak! WEAK! RAPHAEL DIED BECAUSE OF ALL OF YOU!"

"We were ambushed!" This time, it was Nate that raised his voice, taking a step forward. "How about blaming yourself?" This argument had been getting under his skin, especially since Dante had been in the middle of it, standing in front of a tyrant that had no mercy on them. It was about time that he decided to step in as well.

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