Chapter 26 - Are you lost?

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Dante tilted his head towards Andrew without any response.

He wondered which way Andrew would prefer being killed; maybe by slicing all his limbs one by one? Or would he prefer being burned, dumped in acid? Of course it would have to be torturous, no way Dante would let him simply have a bullet through the forehead. Beaten to death did sound quite amusing, causing a wicked smile to pull his lips which Andrew did not understand, but knew it wasn't safe since shivers raced along his spine.

"You shouldn't be here," Andrew snapped, withholding his glare even though he was frightened by Dante.

Dante sighed; there was nothing wrong with getting a head start on his death. He was seconds from lifting his fingers and wrapping it around Andrew's throat when he was stopped by another physique blocking his path, Nate facing Andrew. Dante raised his eyebrows in shock when he saw Nate, with such violent rage and hatred that he thought Nate would lose control. That made Dante shove his hands in his front pockets and take a step back; he kind of wanted to see Nate lose control, that was what he craved for himself anyway.

"Andrew." Dante's eyes widen by how much Nate's tone had deepened with such passionate fury that he could feel his hormones slowly begin to grow warm. "I asked you to leave already." He lifted his chin, stepping aside and Dante followed his motion, providing space for Andrew to exit. "I'm not going to ask again."

Andrew glanced between the smirk on Dante's lips and the glare on Nate's gaze, inhaling a sharp breath when he drew his own conclusion. "I was waiting here to talk to you. You were lying to me this whole time." Nate's glare didn't budge, but his stance did grow much more menacing, his fingers curling into fists and his shoulders broadening much more. Even though Andrew was taller than him, between the two of them, Nate was much more intimidating and Dante adored that. "You did have a boyfriend and you lied to me."

Nate was moments from retorting when he closed his eyes and attempted to maintain his composure. When he felt a little bit of calm settle in his boiling blood, he met Andrew's gaze again. "The door is right here," he pointed to it, "are you lost?"

That made Dante snicker, who even chuckled when Andrew looked at him for a few seconds with a nasty frown. "I thought we had something Nate," he growled, "and you're ready to throw everything away without hearing my side of the story."

"Yuck," Nate grimaced, lowering his gaze for a second as if there was suddenly a stench that evoked from Andrew. "We've been seeing each other for a week; why are you acting like we're married?" Andrew was taken aback; he had never even imagined this side of Nate even existed and it didn't help that he had a sidekick snorting and snickering at every little jab he spat.

He had enough of being ridiculed, exhaling sharply through his nose. This encounter was not healthy for him, which was why he decided to finally obey him and leave. "Whenever you feel mature enough to speak like adults, come find me."

"Mhm..." Nate mumbled, observing Andrew while he was exiting but not before nudging Nate in the shoulder with his own. "Did you just..."

That was Nate's breaking point—not only had he not lied once, he had been completely blindsided by the fact that this guy had a wife and another child on the way. However, he was considered immature because he decided not to entertain his little pity party, and when Andrew tried to leave, he purposely bumped his shoulder into his as if Nate was the bad guy?

Nate lost it, completely. In a swift motion, his fingers had gripped the back of Andrew's shirt, his eyes merely seeing red and nothing else, needing to exert all his burning rage onto his target. His other hand had pulled his fist back, squeezing tightly and he was seconds from slamming it directly across Andrew's face when he felt another palm step in, catching his fist before he could land it and shoving him backwards, further inside the home.

"Nathan, chill."

The moment Nate heard his voice, a sharp stern tone that seemed to resonate across all his bones and muscles, a tune that overshadowed the emotions he felt, he felt his entire body loosen. Dante had been the one to grab him, staring down at him with flattened eyes. It was as if they were telling him to relax, to take a breather and make even sit for a few minutes to recuperate.

Andrew still stood there, shock that Nate had raised a fist towards him, but before he could retaliate, Dante had stepped in front and without any hesitation, planted his fingers on his shoulders and pushed him backwards, slamming the door shut before Andrew could even regain his balance.

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