Chapter 43 - One Last Time

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"I apologize."

Eric bowed his head forward, almost settling himself into a plier while he faced Nate who kept his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at every single features he admired. He hadn't had the best sleep last night after his huge turmoil with Dante, and to be woke up a couple hours later by knocks on the door, was not what he expected nor wanted. He grouchily dragged his feet to the front door and pulled it open without even checking through the peephole, and grumbled a curse words under his breath when he met those lustful eyes that had made his body throb last night.

"I shouldn't have pushed you to do that," Eric continued, a sweat drop forming on the corner of his face when Nate's stance didn't budge. "We were both drunk and for some reason, I just wanted you so bad and I couldn't control myself. I know you wanted to keep this strictly platonic and I do agree that is the best option between us, so I—where are you going?"

"Can you shut up?" Nate grumbled as he turned away and lethargically marched towards his bedroom. "I'm exhausted. Eric followed him inside, closing the front door behind him. There was only Nate's pair of shoes at the entrance so he knew last night's unexpected visitor had left. Nate recaptured his attention when he yelled from his bedroom, "Since you're here, might as well make yourself useful and make breakfast."

He wasn't surprised to here echoing snoring the next second before he could respond. Although he didn't exactly want to make breakfast for Nate, he was hungry as well and felt guilty for letting his hormones get the best of him last night. That was why he pulled the carton of egg from the fridge and decided to make an omelette, heat up toasts and some sausages he found in the back corner of the fridge.

While he was making the food, he couldn't help but think about the way Nate's body had appeared, all nicely toned and the way he moaned with every time he pushed deeper and deeper. All these images continued to replay in his mind the moment he had woken up, and although he had apologized, he wasn't exactly regretful it had happened.

But Eric had been enthralled into his own mind that he hadn't heard the footsteps behind him. "Where's Nate?" He gasped in shock, rightfully so when he realized who was standing near him. The gloom surrounding Dante's eyes, the purple bags weighing down under his socket, frightened him that he stayed paralyzed. It was clear that Dante had gotten not even a wink of sleep, wearing a hood over his hair and having his hands shoved inside the pockets of his baggy pants. His eyes were droopy, barely even staring at Eric, who failed to respond to him. The only thing he was thankful for was that the animosity of last night did not seem to be present. "I said where's Nate?

"He's sleeping in his bedroom."

Without another word, he walked past the kitchen and headed for the bedroom. Eric heard the door push open before closing seconds later. He couldn't hear what was happening on the other side but he absolutely wanted to hear it, hence why he took a break from cooking the food and headed for the door, squeezing his ear against the wooden door.

Nate was startled when he felt a tap on his forehead, his body jittering as it pushed itself upwards to sit straight. It was still in panic mode, his fists lifted in front of his widened eyes. And it didn't settle down when he realized it was the dark grey observing him, tilting his head to the side as if studying the way his droopy eyes and quivering fists appeared weak and vulnerable. Dante cleared his throat, stepping away from the bed. "I'm not here to fight or kill you," he admitted through a long exhale. He bit his bottom lip, lowering his eyes for a second. "I just have something I want to say to you."

Nate suddenly felt the fatigue immediately fade from his body, throwing the blanket away from him and pushing himself from the bed. Although what he had said to Dante was not entirely untrue, he still felt guilty since it was not the way he wanted to have told him and there were some things that he hadn't said the whole truth. "No Dante, I should be the one to—"

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