Chapter 88 - Only Hope

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9 Months Later

"That's not fucking fair."

"Yes, it is fair."

"I wasn't fucking talking to you," Nate growled, pointing his finger in the direction of the voice from that snarky little bastard that kept pounding those brass knuckles against every inch of his body whenever he had the chance. The worst part was that he wasn't even holding his punches, no sympathy for the blindfold over Nate's face.

Bronsted's golden locks had grown longer, enough that he could wrap it in a bun before this training session. He had maintained the same physique, but grown much more comfortable with his fighting since he had to spar with Nate for the duration of his training.

"Draco!" Nate addressed, making Draco's eyes flicker in his direction, surprised by the tone. They had grown much closer during the seven months and Draco almost saw him as a child of his own—that fact being a good thing or a bad thing was still to be determined since Draco always toggled between loving his children and threatening to murder them. Even so, he still believed that Nate could—and had been showing signs—of being the best soldier he could ever have. "It's not fair that I'm not given a hint of where the blows are coming from."

"That's the whole point of the damn blindfolds." After a few chuckles, Draco glanced down to the one son who took this fight seriously. "Has he always been such an idiot?"

Dante ignored him; he was too enraged to say anything. His father had made Nate undergo series of extraneous training, some of them involved circumstances only seen in fictional superhero movies. Every single time there was some form of training for Nate, he always returned bruised and beaten up, majority of the time bleeding with long gashes or wounds. Too many scars had started to accumulate on his body, one that crossed his eyebrow since Bronsted had punched him on the upper left corner of his face and the end of his eyebrow had slashed open. Another one was in his shoulder where Draco had shoved a long knife and told Nate to fight with that knife in there.

There were series of exercises that Dante didn't find necessary, nor beneficial in any way. He wanted to say that this was doing more harm than good, but the Nate that was standing before them with the blindfold over his face, was not the same one from nine months ago.

This Nate had grown an inch taller and had been determined to succeed every single of Draco's trainings that he pushed himself above and beyond with weights. He had gain a lot of muscle mass, more than expected, that the tight black shirt that he wore squeezed his pecs, showing the dip between them. His shoulders were bulging, threatening to rip the sleeves, and even through the shirt, the lines of his abs were visible.

For hours on end, he would be either doing sit-ups or push-ups, lifting the dumbbells for reps or even throwing on his sweatpants and sweater before heading for a run across the base. He was too enwrapped into this life of getting stronger and bigger, and Dante wasn't a fan of it. To Nate, he was attaining his life back, but to Draco, Nate was simply a new pawn to use whenever he saw fit.

And the vision he had was for a planned mission he envisioned soon.

"What's wrong, pansy?" Bronsted laughed, walking around him in a circle. "Scared to get hurt?"

"I'm already hurt—ah!" The blow that had struck the side of Nate's face made him stumble a few feet. He felt a rush of blood engulf his mouth that he instantly lowered his head to spit. They all watched the crimson red globs hit the floor and Dante inhaled a sharp breath. "What the fuck was that?" Nate ripped off the blindfold and threw it on the ground, his eye searching around until he met the brown ones of his opponent. "You're supposed to wait until I'm ready."

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