Chapter 116 - "I've never had any romantic relationship with Cesar."

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When Dante's eyes shifted to Reno and Bronsted, both of them taking a wary step backwards, Dante raised his eyebrows in disbelief—he was in shock that they truly believed that he would have orchestrated an entire plan regarding Nate. "Lucius, you're going mental and you're finding anybody to blame."

"He's somewhat right." Lori spoke next, nervously taking a step away from Nate who also furrowed his brows—with all that had happened, he wasn't entirely sure Lucius hypothesis was completely false. "It doesn't make sense. The son of Judith and Cesar falls right into your lap?"

Reno folded his arms. "There is skepticism, but why would they have planned to have Nate? I'm sorry to say this but," Reno bit his bottom lip, exhaling a sigh before he admitted, "Nate has no benefit to any of us. If anything, he's gotten us into more shit ever since he's been here." He turned to Nate and murmured, "No offence."

"None taken..." Nate grumbled.

"Dante did go berserk for a little while," Bronsted added onto it, "but he's not dumb. Approaching Nate was all for his personal gains—it had nothing to do with Draco."

Lucius seemed desperate, his gaze running rampant between all of his siblings, seeing their eyes no longer focused on Draco but instead on him, as if he was the insane one. After all he had gone through, especially with the loss of Raphael, he felt as if his siblings had betrayed him once again. That was why Lucius decided to take matters into his own hands, and leaped towards the empty bottle, attempting to use it as a weapon and kill Jules in this moment.

However, the pain across Jake's abdomen had subsided, and he reached the drunk Lucius just in time to halt his movement, tackle him back onto the ground and restraining him. Thankfully, Lucius was plastered, thus his sluggish movements and weakened strength was enough for Jake to hold him down.

"He's spiralling out of control," Jake yelled to the others, observing Lucius' breathing start to quicken as he continued to grit his teeth and try to free himself.

It was clear Lucius was not going to calm down anytime soon, hence Dante diverted his focus to his father who was still holding back himself from killing all of them with one shot with his strapped shotgun onto his back. "I'll deal with Lucius, Draco," he asserted sternly, lowering his fists and meeting the glaring gaze of his father. "Leave him alone for now."

Draco's teeth gritted.

They had grown disrespectful, and that was making him debate whether to kill them all this instant and recruits others. However, all of them had special qualities that he wanted to use in the future, and that was what was making him ponder in his mind. Lucius was a savage fool, but his techniques were beyond humanely possible. Dante was meant to be his successor, Reno and Bronsted were absurd as solos but as a duo, they could fulfill any mission possible, especially with Reno's temper. Nate's desire and determination, the evil that was formed from his torture, was an investment he didn't want to waste. Jake had a talent that he hadn't shown the others, but Draco knew exactly why he had been recruited.

As for Lori...well, Lori could be killed.

For the first time, none of them flinched when Draco raised his finger. Draco roared terribly loud that his voice echoed along the hallways and a few covered their ears. "None of you should ever question any decisions I make because I own all of you. The only reason any of you fools are alive is because I decide to keep you alive every single fucking day!"

"Then fucking kill us already!" Lucius retorted. "You're acting as if we should be grateful that you keep us in this fucking hell hole!"

"I swear I'll fucking—!" Draco began reaching for his shotgun hosteled onto his back when Dante waved his hand to regain his attention.

"Draco, I said we will deal with him." He raised his tone harshly, although he wasn't sure if this would end with a blast to the skull or if Draco would listen. Maybe it had been the fact that it was Dante, and Draco actually liked Dante out of all of them, hence he released the hold on his shotgun handle and sharply turned his head with his chin lifted higher.

"And it's fine that Jules is alive, we'll take care of him," Reno added.

"No we fucking won't," Lucius was able to scream, freeing himself from Jake's palm on his mouth for a mere second. "I'll kill him later today."

Before Draco could leap towards him, Dante again intervened as he assured, "No, he won't. I'll make sure that he doesn't."

"We both know Dante can't make sure of anything," Lucius grinned. "After I'm done killing Jules, I'll fucking kill you all for letting Raphael die."

"I came to tell you that I had a present for you," Draco roared at Lucius, narrowing his eyes even more. "Blue is being held captive in our underground prison and I left him for you to decide what you want to do. You want revenge, be my guest. You want to keep him alive, fine by me too. But let me make something clear," he pointed a finger towards Lucius whose entire face had stretched beyond reason from surprise, "I don't love anyone and I've never loved anyone."

"'re so deep..." Cesar moaned.

"And I've never had any romantic relationship with Cesar."

"Ha...choke me...ha...fuck...yes...choke me until I can't breathe..." Cesar whispered, his eyes rolling back.

"I don't know what you all think you know but you know absolutely nothing."

"Oh fuck...ha...I'm gonna..." Cesar teeth gritted as he arched his back even more, "...I'm gonna cum..." He groaned as his fingers dug within the white sheets.

"The fact that you all assume such shows me how idiotic you've all became and I'm disappointed, especially in you, Lucius. If you dare defy me again, then I will bury you right next to Raphael." After a short pause, he added through a growl, "Alive. You'll get to spend the rest of your days cuddling his fucking skeleton."

As he began making his way towards the exit, he took on last look at his sons and scoffed, leaving the room. However, the moment he exited, another memory crossed his mind, and this one made his heart begin to ache.

"Dragon Hercules, please." Cesar's breath was shaky as he watched the gleaming sword glint within the moonlight, sharpened precisely for the atrocities Draco was seconds away to commit. He could barely breathe through the lump that formed in his throat, tears threatening to leak from his pale grey irises as he approached his soulmate.

"I promise I will love you for the rest of our eternity. My soul is bounded to yours by fate. I've written a poem for you, I've composed musical pieces for you, I've allowed you to kill my men without repercussions, I secretly betrayed my kingdom to be with you." His fingers quivered as he stepped closer, keeping his pace slow in hopes that he didn't enrage Draco even further.

"My love for you has never been never be questioned. Because it was not chosen by us but written by our deity—our love has always been meant to be. Please Dragon..." It didn't seem to work, nothing was making the contortion in Draco's face soften, and Cesar glanced down to the woman Draco held by her hair with a sword at her neck. She wasn't crying, nor was she begging for mercy. It was as if she had already  accepted her death, her face blank without any fear or signs that she was still there.

"She's the mother of Jules...have mercy on her and take my life instead! She's the only woman I've ever loved. Let her go and we can be together, I promise you. Dragon, NO!"

Her neck was slashed, and she was instantly decapitated by one slice.

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