Chapter 110 - "Yes Lucy, we do."

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Lucius heard a thunderstorm.

It had taken him by surprise that he didn't watch his step, slipped in a puddle and collapsed onto the ground. It caused his grasp of Raphael to slip, watching as Raphael's body tumbled ahead. He inhaled a sharp breath, forcing his mind to maintain its focus as he tried to push himself back onto his feet. The rain had soaked Raphael entirely, his shirt sucked onto his flesh.

"What's your favourite colour?" Raphael had asked once, glancing upwards from his novel to eye Lucius for a moment. They had been in his man cave, Lucius sharpening his blade and only wearing a tank top with a sweater knotted around his waist. Although Raphael had been reading the novel, his eyes couldn't stop glancing at Lucius' muscular lats that widened and tightened with his movements, the sharpness of his shoulders with shadows separating each muscle; Lucius was truly a masterpiece. He swallowed hard, lowering his eyes to the letters of the novel he struggled to read, only because his brain was stuck on the mental image of Lucius' back.

Lucius furrowed his brows, exhaling the fumes from his cigarette. He could feel the burning gazes of Raphael with each glance. "I thought that would be obvious, considering you helped me dye my hair burgundy a few days ago." He heard Raphael grunt, the mockery annoying him, which made Lucius chuckle. "Stupid question."

"If we're going to get married, then we should get to know each other in depth." He knew exactly what to say to make Lucius nervous. That line caused all of Lucius muscles to halt and he quickly swirled, facing Raphael who sat with his legs crossed, licking the end of his index finger and turning the page. "I'll have to ask every question so that I know every detail about you."

"Married?" he repeated breathlessly.

"Not now, of course," Raphael grinned, noticing the way Lucius' cheeks began to warm into a pink undertone. "But it'll happen in the future, because I love you." When he heard Lucius inhale a sharp breath, Raphael's smile only grew wider as he added, " do know that I love you, right?"

Lucius pushed himself to his feet, stumbling towards Raphael whose breathing was way too slow, barely even hearable. They were close to the hospital, but the faded colour in Raphael's face was scaring him that he felt paralyzed for a moment. The hospital was only a few minutes ahead, the lights from the facility near enough to illuminate Raphael's body on the ground.

"You have to learn to be nice to people, Lucy." Raphael had snapped at him, another memory playing in his mind. "You can't kill everyone you don't like. Why did you kill Walker?"

Lucius shrugged his shoulders, a smirk curling his lips. "He talked too much."

That only annoyed Raphael even more. "He was Reno's friend—"

"Jesus," Lucius groaned, waving a dismissive hand as he fell onto his bed. "Stop fucking complaining. You didn't even like Walker."

There was a moment of silence, as if Raphael was stuck in his thoughts. He folded his arms and finally hissed, "I can't be with you if this is the way you're going to react whenever you're slightly bothered."

Lucius furrowed his brows, Raphael finally catching his full attention and he realized he was serious from how stern his tone had been. "You wouldn't leave me," he snapped back, a bit of anger tightening his voice. When Raphael's expression didn't budge, he sat upwards from the bed. "You wouldn't leave me over someone that doesn't matter to us."

Raphael sighed, turning away from Lucius. "Yes, I would."

That made Lucius' heart skip a beat.

He didn't understand what he was feeling, but it was as if his heart had gone into his throat. He felt as if his stomach was twisting and turning, growing nauseous with the thought of a chance that Raphael would ever leave his side. It was either fright or jealousy, but regardless, it wasn't a sentiment he enjoyed and it coursed him into anger. His teeth gritted, his fingers tightened into fists, but he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do.

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