Chapter 159 - "No more mercy."

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All of them could hear his echoing footsteps that trembled the forest floor as he drew closer to the base. However, they were followed by strange sounds, loud moans, as if he was lamenting the passing of someone. His wails were terribly loud and high-pitch that even the trees and the leaves squirmed away from him, and any living animals around rush away from his trembling steps. Draco only ceased when he reached the front metallic doors because he didn't want any of his sons to hear his sobs. Thus, as he wiped away the tears that were unusually huge that they could form their own puddle, he finally began pulling the lever that separated the doors.

The moment the doors opened, Draco sensed something was odd. It wasn't that he heard anything, it was merely his senses that were ticking. Something felt different; the trembling of the floors didn't feel harmonious, his feet didn't seem as stabilized. The light in the lobby was slightly dimmer than usual, and that set alarm bells ringing through his brain. He stepped inside, but the moment that happened, two objects rolled on the ground in front of him, and the last sight they all saw were his lips widening and his lengthy dangerous canines.

Suddenly, both objects exploded in front of him and smoke completely concealed his surroundings. It was definitely a gas bomb since he could feel his throat starting to clench and his eyes sting, causing him to blink profusely and lose his breath. The moment they heard his loud coughs, Dante was the one who shouted, "Now Lucy!"

"That'll definitely kill you in one blast." Lucius, from the end of the corridor, tightened his grip on a rocket over his shoulder and aimed it directly at the smoke where they assumed his father was still positioned. When the rocket was launched, Lucius was propelled backwards, tumbling along the floor and caught by Jake. The force had been much greater than expected that they both slammed into the wall at the end of the corridor.

All they saw was the rocket enter the smoke and disappear, but there was no explosion. "Did we get him?" Jake exhaled, glancing towards the smoke that was slowly starting to settle. However, the sound from the rocket was still buzzing, and they only realized what had happened when they saw the muzzle of the rocket redirected towards them. "Holy fuck!"

Both Jake and Lucius rushed to their feet and leaped to the side, but the rocket's speed was much faster that it collided with the wall behind them before they had time to place enough distance between them. None of them had expected for it to explode inside the base, hence there was instantly a combustion, fire spreading and causing all of them to reveal themselves and head towards the exterior of the base, coughing hysterically as they felt the carbon monoxide instantly filled their lungs. However, they hadn't taken into consideration the debris that began to collapse and a few of them fell stuck within the flames and the smoke.

Dante was the first one to escape with Tyler over his shoulder, but the moment he was out of the fumes, he collapsed onto the ground. He knew that coup wouldn't have killed their father, but when he glanced upwards, his father stood there without even a scratch, a massive grin on his face and his eyes widened with such ecstatic bloodlust that it made Dante want to puke, knowing he was most likely next. Tyler was coughing as well, but froze when she also realized Draco was standing in front of them.

The entrance of the base was still overwhelmed with fumes, but no one else was coming out. Dante finally felt his airway starting to expand, able to breathe properly and pushed himself to his feet. He had no care for his father standing there, gloating his initial victory, but instead on the fact that Nate was still inside the unsettling amount of smoke. Without any hesitation, he tried to head back inside but flames covered the entry, and he was almost burned by merely trying to get close.

"Don't go back inside Dante," Tyler shouted through coughs, "you'll die!"

"They're all still in there! I need to save at least one of—"

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