Chapter 44: Punishment, no thank you

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“You’re making a scary face, just so you know.” Matt suddenly said from beside me and I turned my eyes on him.

“Yeah? I was thinking on how to best kill you without Ethan noticing...” I said with a shrug and I could see Matt roll his eyes in amusement.

“I bet you were. Anyway are we going to sit here all day or are we actually going to move?” He said as he threw his hands out in a ‘look how little we’re moving right now’- gesture. I shifted my eyes over to Kate who was still sitting beside Amber, trying to gain her attention by smiling sweetly.

“Kate, what do you think? Do you want to do something?” I asked her and chuckled as she dropped her smile and returned to her ordinary self as she looked over at me. Well I guess there was no need to pretend with me...hah I already knew how evil she could be.

“I want to go swimming! Can we go swimming?” She said as she looked over at me. Her eyes were already dimmed by disappointment because she already knew how I felt about swimming. I really hated it.

I sighed as I tugged at a wisp of my hair. I had asked and now I would become the villain if I said no. God dammit!

“Well of course we can go swimming little girl, I know the perfect place and I’m sure you’ll love it!” Alex voice suddenly said from behind me and I could feel my eyes widen as Kate shot up from her seat and started jumping up and down in excitement.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Did you hear that Matt? We’re actually going swimming!” She chimed and I just didn’t have the heart to disappoint her now. It looked like I had to stay here by myself

I sighed as I rose from my seat and brought my dish over to the dishwasher. I distracted myself from the thought of being left behind when they went swimming and started humming to myself.

“This is going to be so fun! Do you think we should bring some food and eat our lunch at the lake?” Alex said as he strolled up to me and it took me awhile to understand that he was actually asking me. I looked at him for a second and then I bit my lip and said:

“ can do as you want, I’m not going so...well yeah...”

Alex stared at me and the whole kitchen went silent. I blushed as everyone turned their attention on me and I uncomfortable shifted from one foot to the other. It was so awkward to be the center of attention like this. Why wasn’t anyone saying anything? My statement hadn’t been that weird had it?

“Are you kidding me? Why?” Alex suddenly said and I gave him an irritated look.

Why, he asked...well why did I even need to have a reason?

“I don’t want to fucking go! Mind your own business dammit!” I growled before I turned on my heels and stalked towards the kitchen entrance. I stomped around the corner but I didn’t even get to reach the stairs before I felt an arm grab me from behind. I yelped as I was roughly spun around and I instantly came face to face with Alex. I gave him an angry glare and he let out a threatening growl.

Before I had time to react Alex took a hold of me and threw me over his shoulder causing me to lose my breath for a second. He didn’t waste a second as he started climbing the stairs and even though I tried to hit him it didn’t help my case at all.

Fuck you Alex! Let me down now!” I screamed as I struggled against his hold. When he replied by spanking me harshly I let out a startled yelp and I could feel his slap burn against my already bruised bottom.

Ouch, stop it!” I yelled, cursing under my breath as Alex gave me yet another slap.

When we reached the first floor he walked up to the closest door and flung it open. He entered with me still hanging over his shoulder and I cursed yet again as he suddenly pulled me down and pushed me further inside the room.

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