Chapter 11: Mine

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Picture on the side: Vincent


"Mine!" both Alex and Adam growled darkly and I could feel the sheer force and determination in their voices. "Hell" I thought as I struggled more violently to get out of Adams embrace. Could he just let go of me or was it too much to ask? I had my front flushed against his and I didn't want to acknowledge what was currently happening to me "down there".

I totally blamed it on the friction that my struggles brought. 

"Adam for fuck sake stop choking me!" I yelled, but neither him nor Alex took any notice of me and just kept growling loudly in the direction of the girl.

"Sorry Alphas' I didn't mean it that way." I heard the girl saying regretfully. Alphas'?  I couldn't see her, but it sounded like she too had a hard time breathing properly. Maybe I heard wrong.

"Don't let it happen again Amber." Alex growled, tension clear in his voice but at least he straightened a little and didn't look quite as intimidating as before. I sighed and decided to make my struggles known because it didn't seem like anyone was noticing:

"Well can someone please help me I'm being strangled here?"

Alex turned in my direction which lead to me being able to see the girl again. She was also flushed against someone's chest, actually the guy who's lap she had been sitting on. She gave me an apologizing face and I silently stared at her.

She was small and quite skinny with long brown hair and gray-green eyes. She was shorter than me and the guy was almost consuming her with his big form. She returned my stare and quickly gave me an once-over but she abruptly stopped and looked away when the guy holding her growled. I shifted my stare to him and saw that he looked a lot like Kevin. He too had brown hair and his face was similar looking to Kevin's witch made me think they were related. The only thing different was his eye color. Kevin's had been brown but this guy's was dark gray and angry-looking (at least right now). He stared at me angrily and I gave him a questioningly look.

"Can I help you with something?" I said and looked at him with a "are you seeking trouble-face".

"Yes you can stay away from my girl!" his voice was dark and I rolled my eyes and gave him a bored eye.

Of course, the girl who had hugged me was his girlfriend and he was obviously very overprotective. I had never liked people who were like that. They had a way of going too far in their "you will not talk to anybody except me-mission".  I huffed and said tiredly:

"Yep, I think I'll do just that because I actually don't like people hugging me, despite what everybody seems to think."

I gave Adam, who still had me in a tight grip, a meaningful glare. He shot me an irritated look but let me go and I sighed in relief. "Finally" I thought and then I turned toward Kate who had been sitting on the kitchen counter the whole time. She gave me a smug look and I narrowed my eyes at her.

I knew that face, it usually meant she was going to say something I didn't want to hear...

"No", I groaned in my head as I pulled my hand through my sprawling hair in an annoyed gesture. But just as I thought, Kate opened her mouth and said with a clear voice:

"Ash, you shouldn't lie like that, as I recall you didn't mind hugging neither Matt nor Regina last week." 

Silence fell and I shifted from one foot to another as I groaned again in my head. Of course she had to bring that up. "Perfect" I thought as I felt Alex and Adam slowly turning their eyes towards me. Alex gaze narrowed on me as he opened his mouth and said in a perfectly calm voice:

"Kate you wouldn't mind telling us who Matt and Regina are, would you?"

My eyes flipped to Kate and I tried to shoot her a "don't say anything-look" but she just smiled at Alex and shrugged.

"Matt is Ash's best friend and Regina is his girlfriend." She said as she shot me an innocent smile. "That little..." I thought before I hastily pointed my finger at her and gave her a dark look.

"Look who's lying now, Tiger. She is not my girlfriend!" I gritted out but after a moment I hesitantly added:

"She just thinks she is...sometimes."

I didn't need to look at Alex and Adam to know that they were both staring at me and I nervously tossed my hair. I didn't know why I felt nervous but I did and I sure as hell blamed Kate for it.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have encouraged her by hugging her back Ashy." Kate said in a virtual tone and I cursed in my head. "Please just don't say anything more" I silently begged her in my head as Alex started growling low in his throat.

"And maybe you shouldn't have kissed..." Kate was cut off by a now fierce growl and my eyes couldn't help but seek Alex's. His black eyes met mine and I unconsciously took a small step back. "Not good" I thought as I saw Adam's eyes, they too black as coal. "Not good at all", I thought as they both started towards me. Alex was shaking and I could feel my eyes grow big. He obviously had a big anger-issue and I knew he was going to take his anger out on me.

"Run!" Amber suddenly breathed and I didn't hesitate, I just turned on my heels and bolted towards the kitchen entrance.  

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