Chapter 38: Not my best friend too

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Picture on the side: Lazarus


Ethan. Holy hell...

"Oh my God why can't I ever have something even close to luck?" I groaned as I threw my hands out in a wide gesture. I couldn't believe it! Why was Ethan even here?!

"Jeez no need to sound so happy to see me Ash..." Ethan said with a slight chuckle and I glared at him. I wasn't really feeling like making jokes right now.

"Hey Ash, what the hell are you doing? I thought we were supposed to buy something to eat and then leave?" Matt said in irritation as he appeared at the end of an aisle. While he was talking he moved towards us and suddenly a sharp intake of a breath could be heard. I frowned as I turned my eyes on Ethan but when I got a look of his face I immediately froze on the spot.

Could it be...?

"Mine..." Ethan said in a dark voice and I felt my eyes widen.

"NO!! Hell no! Forget it! You hear me? Forget it!" I yelled as I jumped in front of Matt,efficiently shielding him from Ethan's line of vision. Matt hissed as I accidently stepped on his foot in my hurry to cover him and Ethan immediately let out a terrifying growl. I could feel his stare burning a hole right through me and I watched as Ethan's steel gray eyes almost started to glow silver.

This was not good.

"Move." Ethan growled at me and I flinched before I remembered that Matt was more important than my own well-being. I couldn't let this happen to him too. No way.

"God, you've made a mistake! I promise you this guy is not what you think he is! Ethan don't...!" I didn't get to finish my speech because Ethan suddenly jerked me out of the way and wrapped his arms around Matt as if he was going to hug the life out of him.

I could see Matt's jaw suddenly drop in shock as Ethan buried his face against his neck and drew a deep breath, humming slightly in approval.

Oh no...shit was about to go down...take cover!

"What the hell are you doing man?! Get the fuck of me! Ash! Get your stupid friend of me now or I swear to God I'll kick his sorry ass! Do you hear me? Ash! Are you even listening? Do something!" Matt was literally glaring daggers at me as he kept screaming and trying to wiggle his way out of Ethan's embrace.

Yeah, as if that would ever happen. I had had my fair share of the feeling of complete helplessness in the hold of a werewolf so I knew exactly how he felt...

"Ah sorry Matt, there's nothing I can do...I guess you just have to wait until his done..." I said in a sheepish voice. I held my hands up and slowly started to walk backwards when Matt turned his 'I'm going to end you'-glare on me.

"Get.Him.Of.Ash." Matt growled at me and I could feel my eyes widen. Hell no.

"Ahh I just remembered that I'm really hungry...I'll just leave you guys to it...bye!" I shrieked as I turned on my heels and bolted down one of the aisles that lead further into the shop. If Matt thought that I would try to help him and risk getting killed by a scary werewolf he had another thing coming...

"Ash! Don't you dare leave...!" Matt screamed behind me but I ignored him as I suddenly spotted Kate and Regina. Finally some normal people!

I should not have said that...

"What do you mean kiwi is too sour to taste good?!" Kate yelled at Regina and I could see them stare each other down.

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