Chapter 10: Mercy

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Picture on the side: Amber


I entered the kitchen with such speed that everybody that were inside jumped and turned my way. I saw Kate sitting on the kitchen counter and Adam standing beside her but there was also a girl about my age sitting on a good-looking guy’s lap and they all shot me surprised looks. I ignored them all and set my eyes on Kate bolting towards her as fast as I could. She let out a shriek when I (without slowing down) took a hold of her and pulled her along with me. I made a stop when I reached the wall farthest from the entrance and I turned around holding Kate out as a shield in front of me. Adam was just about to open his mouth and speak when Alex shot through the door and got his eyes on me.

"Mercy, I have a child in my arms you lunatic." I yelled at him playing scared and Adam and the other two gave me amused looks while Alex growled in irritation.

"Fine, but just because I don’t hurt children don’t expect me to forget about that stunt you pulled Ash. I will get back at you sooner or later." Alex huffed at me crossing his arms over his chest and I smiled in victory. “1-0 to the great Ash” I thought before I calmed my racing heart and turned my gaze towards Kate that were hanging shocked in my arms.

"You okay Tiger you look a bit pale." I said in a teasing voice and before I knew it she turned around in my grip and slapped me over my shoulder with one of her tiny hands.

"I swear to god Ash if you don’t put me back on the counter I will throw cold water over you every time you try to sleep." she threatened and I made a panicked face at her.

"Oh you wouldn’t." I said pretending I couldn’t believe my ears. She gave me an evil grin and pointed to the counter without answering me. I pretended to sigh in defeat as I carried her towards it but before I put her down I threw Alex a narrowed gaze. If I gave up my only weapon who knew what he would do. He shot me an amused look before he put his hands up and gestured he wouldn’t try anything. At least not right now.

I gave him one last look before I finally put Kate down on the counter again and stepped back but then, just before anyone could recover from what just happened, I was tackled from the side and pulled into a warm and soft embrace. I turned my head in surprise and saw the girl my age, hugging me happily and I tensed immediately.

What the fuck was happening?

As on cue both Alex, Adam and the guy whose lap the girl had been sitting on shot towards us growling until I thought my eardrums would burst. Alex got to us first and tore us apart pushing me behind him. I stumbled back and was suddenly pulled into another hug this time from Adam who stood close behind. Alex was still standing in front of me blocking my sight so I couldn’t see what had happened to the girl and I started struggling against Adam’s suffocating grip.

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