Chapter 33: Learning new words

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We were all sitting around the big kitchen table eating breakfast when I finally managed to convince Kate that I hadn’t ignored her on purpose and that the door really had been locked. She was still irritated but at least she wasn’t screaming. That’s something I guess…

"So Ash did you sleep well?" Amber asked in an innocent voice and I could see the brothers shooting her dirty looks from the other side of the table. I didn’t understand why they thought the question was strange and I gave them a weird look before I answered her: 

"Yeah, is there a reason I shouldn’t have?"

I gave Kate a spoon and a kiwi that I had cut in two. She took the kiwi and gave me a little less irritated look showing me that I was almost forgiven. Thank god for her obsession with those strange looking fruits…

"Hm that’s strange..." Amber muttered as she studied what appeared to be my throat and I raised a curious eyebrow in her direction.

"What’s strange?" I asked in confusion and I could see the brothers shaking their heads at Amber from the corner of my eye.

What were they doing? Where they hiding something? Had I missed something? I felt completely lost and of course not at all irritated…

"Care to explain?" I said in an annoyed voice and Amber surprised me by smirking. Both the brothers and Vincent gave her a hard look but her smile just widened as she noticed. She turned to me and her eyes shone with amusement as she said:

"You do know that we’re werewolves right?"

I nodded warily and she kept going:

"I guess you also know the meaning of mates by know so I’m just going to lay this out for you Ash. When a werewolf finds her or his mate they don’t simply tell this person “well hello, I’m a werewolf and I’m your mate, come home with me”. They actually have to sort of “make it official” by giving the person a so called mating-bite. The bite will state to other werewolves that you’re claimed and not to be touched and that they better stay the hell away."   

She paused and took in my horrified look before she smirked at me and I shook my head to gather my thoughts.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!? Are you telling me that these guys are going to bite me?!" I shot up from my chair and pointed an accusing finger at Alex, Anton and Adam as what she had just told me sank in.

When nobody said anything I shot Kevin an 'answer me-eye' and if the amused look on his face was anything to go by I would say that that’s exactly what Amber had meant.

"Hell no!" I stated as I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest in defiance. Alex let out a snort and I whipped my head in his direction glaring daggers at him.

"What!? You think I’m actually going to let you do that?" I growled at him and he gave me a supreme look as he answered:

"You actually think you could stop me?"

I silently fumed at his confident aura and I just wanted to smack that smirk off of his overly handsome face. Why me? I thought for the millionth time since I got into this mess but I didn’t have the chance to say anything as Amber started to speak again.

"Well it’s that and the fact that you’ll have to have sex with them to complete the mating process..." She said in a calm voice and it took several minutes before my brain finally comprehended what she’d just said.

"What?!!" I screamed as my eyes went wide and I had to grip the back of my chair to prevent myself from taking a hold of her and shake her until she admitted that this was all just a big joke.

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