Chapter 12: Done something you shouldn't have?

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Picture on the side: The study with windows to the left (not in the picture) 


I made it out into the hall, turning left without stopping. I could hear Alex and Adam hot at my trail but I just kept running further into the house. Suddenly I saw a big staircase at the end of the hall and I fastened my pace even more, flying up the steps leading to the second floor.

“Where to now” I thought desperately as I made it up the stairs without getting caught. I turned right sprinting down the new hallway passing what felt like a hundred doors before I suddenly realized I could just try one and if it was open I could jump inside and hopefully lock the door before they reached me.

I locked my gaze on a red painted door at the end of the corridor and when I got near I almost ran straight into it. I laid my hand on the knob, silently praying that it would be open. I got lucky and the door flung open and I jumped inside without thinking, throwing it shut behind me. I pushed myself against the door, fumbling with the lock but I managed to get it locked before Alex and Adam suddenly started to pound on the door, urging me to “open up”. I let out a relived breath as I staggered back, keeping my eyes at the bulging door.

"Done something you shouldn’t have?" A deep voice said from behind me and I twirled around, my heart pounding in my ears. I suddenly came face to face with a big study and a desk with heaps of paper laying on top of each other. Behind the desk sat Anton and he gave me an even stare as I felt my eyes grow big.

“Shit, I just had to run straight into his office didn’t I?” I thought eyeing him tiredly. He cocked an eyebrow at the sound from the door and after giving me a hard look he got up and walked towards it, unlocking it when he got there. Alex and Adam tumbled in and their eyes soon found me. I cursed in my head and jumped behind the desk where Anton had been just a few moments before.

"What’s going on?" Anton said, curiosity lacing his voice as he looked between me and his two brothers.

"They’re chasing me and I just had to hide somewhere!" I said in my most “I’m innocent- voice”. Alex growled deep in his throat and Anton looked quizzically at him.

"Kate told us about Ash’s girlfriend." Adam spat beside him and Anton narrowed his eyes at me.

"You have a girlfriend?" He said, his eyes starting to turn darker as he spoke. “Not him too” I thought as I held up my hands, backing away a little bit.

"No, I just…Okay yes I guess, but…" I didn’t get any further because all three let out a terrifying growl and stared furiously at me.  

"I think it’s time we teach you a lesson Ash." Alex gave me a dangerous look and I unwillingly took a step back.

"I’m so dead." I breathed silently as my back hit the wall behind me.

I shot a desperate look around the study looking for a way out that didn’t involve the door that I had come from. Unfortunately I could only see that door but my eyes soon landed on a big window to my left and I turned my head between the three angry brothers and the window a few times trying to figure out if I would make it or not.

"Don’t you dare Ash." Anton snarled at me when he saw where I was looking and I gave him an apologetic look. I would much rather take my chances at the window right now. As soon as Alex and Adam realized what I was about to do they too slowly shook their heads giving me warning glares but before they could say anything I rushed towards the window.

I reached it without getting caught but I instantly heard all three of them charging at me. “Shit”, I thought as I struggled with the window-catch. I barely got it open in time but as soon as the window swung open I jumped up on the window-sill.

The wind hit me straight in the face and I almost fell back inside again. I took a hold on the window-frame, trying to support myself from falling and looked down. It was a long way down and I would most certainly hurt myself in the fall but I didn’t think it would be worse than what the brothers would do if they caught me.

"Ash if you don’t get down from there immediately I will seriously spank you until you cry!" I turned my head in the direction of Alex voice and I saw that they had stopped a few steps away. I gave him an irritated glare and tried to resist the urge to stick out my tongue  at him like a five year old.

Not that I didn’t believe him, he would probably do just that, but because of the “crying-part”. I never cried, simple as that.

"I don’t cry Alex not for you, not for anyone." I snapped at him.

That was my mistake.

Alex had intentionally drawn my eyes on him so Anton could move closer and suddenly he took a leap towards me. I unconsciously recoiled from him and that’s when I lost my hold on the window-frame. I let out a surprised yelp as I fumbled in thin air and then started to fall backwards out the window.

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