Chapter 48: In...heat...?

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[A few days later]

I had been drifting in and out of consciousness for so long that I almost couldn't imagine how it felt before the pain had started. I hadn't known what it was until I'd overheard Lazarus talking to one of his friends just outside my door a few hours ago. They had talked about something like this occurring when a werewolves' mate went into something called 'heat'. Apparently when the mate reached this state, the werewolf usually had sex with him or her and that was that. No pain necessary. The only reason I was feeling like dying was because my mates weren't here to take away the 'heat' and tame my desire to...well have sex.

Yeey for me right?

"Enough, I can't take his screaming anymore!" Lazarus voice suddenly filled the room and I could see him enter with an angry look in his eyes. Was he going to kill me?

"But Laz it's not like we know it'll work..." His friend, a boy with blond hair, said from behind him.

"I don't care! I'm willing to try if it means he'll stop screaming like this!" Lazarus barked and I could see him approaching the bed from the corner of my eye. The pain I was feeling right now weren't as huge as it had been from the start but it came in waves. One second it could be bearable and the next I could feel like I was being set on fire and cooked alive.

I couldn't even raise my head as Lazarus eased down on the bed beside me and placed his hand against my head. He frowned when he noticed just how warm I was and I tried my best not to seem too exhausted when he stared down at me. He had actually treated me pretty good these last few days and if I hadn't known better I would have said he was actually worried about me.

I barely registered how Lazarus suddenly mounted the bed and straddled me without putting much weight on my body. I tried to speak as he lowered his face towards mine but I could feel how exhaustion prevented me from getting a single word out.

"I'm sorry about this but if it'll help you'll forgive me...probably..." Lazarus muttered and I didn't even get time to think about the meaning behind his words before his lips descended on mine. My eyes got wider as I felt his hands suddenly brushing against my skin just under the hem of my shirt and I could feel my inner voice start to protest immediately. I tried to lift my own hands to push him away but I didn't have enough strength to move and even if I did I wasn't sure if I would have pushed him away or simply pulled him closer. My thoughts were swirling inside my head and the only thing I was sure of was that the pain I was feeling lessened when he touched me. It was impossible but at the same time I could feel it happen. My mind said no but at the same time my body screamed for me to embrace him and stop the pain.

When Lazarus bit my lip slightly, my mouth fell open on its on accord and in the next second I could move my body again. But even though I had my body back it was as if I wasn't in charge of what it was doing and before I could react I had wrapped my legs around Lazarus waist and my arms around his neck. I could see the shock in his eyes as I pulled him even closer to me and hastily moved my hips towards his, grinding against him like a horny teenager. Well I was a teenager...and well I was horny sometimes...that sort of comes with the package...but what I mean is that I usually don't do stuff like this to guys I don't even like...oh well I don't usually do this to anyone...ehh whatever...

"Seems like it's working..." Lazarus said, his voice a strange mix between wonder and regret. I could see the curiosity in his eyes but at the same time he looked kind of sad and it made my heart squeeze in an odd way. Even though my mind was clouded by strange lust I could still feel that something was...wrong. I didn't really want to do this. It was just that I couldn't stop my body from moving.

Suddenly Lazarus pried me off and quickly flipped me around to my stomach. I could hear a whine escape my lips as I lost the feeling of warmth he had given me but I immediately fell silent as I felt hands against my hips. Before I could react he had tugged my pants down to my knees and I could feel shivers spread across my body as the chilly air suddenly hit my hot skin and made me feel cold in an instant.

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