Chapter 47: Kidnapped...again?

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When I woke up I expected to be dead. Yeah, of course that didn't make any sense because if I had been dead I wouldn't have woken up at all but... never mind.

I blinked my eyes open, momentarily blinded by some bright light and I could feel my head throb painfully. Why did I always end up in trouble? I mean every fucking time I went somewhere alone something managed to happen. It was as if the gods of fate wanted to see me dead at all costs!

When I could finally see again without bright spots dancing before my eyes I took in the room around me, trying not to panic at the fact that I was chained to the bed I was lying on. The room didn't look all that bad but it gave me the chills anyway. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was kept here against my will...? Hm yeah probably that.

The chain tied to the bed was connected to some kind of collar that someone had put around my neck and even though I tried to find a way to get it off I quickly realized why I couldn't. The collar had a lock on the side that could only be opened with some kind of key.

I sighed as I pushed myself up in a sitting position and threw a glance down at my body. I still had my pants on but my shirt where nowhere to be seen. Since I could clearly see rather deep claw marks covering my whole torso I guessed the shirt was probably ripped to pieces and that's why it wasn't still on me. Even though some of the marks were deep enough to have drawn blood I had obviously been here long enough for it to dry by itself because I wasn't bleeding anymore.

I let my eyes roam around the room looking for anything that could indicate where I was. At least if I knew that much I could maybe find a way to get out of here and find my way back home. I bet the others were looking for me right now so if I was lucky I may get discovered by just escaping this room. Not that luck had ever been on my side before...

I crawled to the side of the bed and let my legs dangle over the side for a second, letting the blood flow down so I wouldn't fall when I stood. I had managed to trip several times before just because I had stood up too fast after being asleep so I knew better by know. Kate always liked to laugh at me when I constantly managed to do the same mistakes over and over again. She could be seriously mean sometimes that girl.

When I was sure I wouldn't get dizzy I rose from the bed and tested how far I could go with the chain restraining me. I could reach something looking disturbingly similar to a bucket used as a toilet and a table standing along a wall with a bottle of some liquid in it. I suppose it was water but without knowing I didn't dare touch it. For all I knew it could be some kind of drug mixed inside and I sooo didn't fancy being drugged right now. I had enough problems as it was.

I was a bit surprised when I realized I couldn't reach the door but then again that would have probably been a bit too easy wouldn't it? I guess hoping for an easy escape would just get me disappointed. This wasn't some kind of movie were the good guys always won after all. Maybe this was where I would end my days? I let my eyes scan the room a second time and then I smiled a little to myself, trying to boost my mood a bit. Well I guess it could have been worse...

[A few hours later]

I was lying on the floor with my legs resting on the bed when I finally heard something sounding like a key being turned. I moved my gaze to the door as it swung open and I watched as Lazarus took a step inside. His eyes found mine after a few seconds and I guess I looked kind of funny lying on the floor when there was a bed for me to use.

Lazarus closed the door behind him and then took a few steps towards the table, placing a plate with something looking like meat on it. I frowned as I pushed myself up from the floor.

"I hope you are aware of the fact that I can't eat uncooked food right...?" I slowly said as I approached the table, narrowing my eyes suspiciously on the raw-looking meat. Why would he give me something like this?

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