Chapter 19: Rogues...Oh boy are you in trouble

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The new voice belonged to a tall muscular man who had, along with two more guys, stepped out on the path where we currently were. Since Alex and the others had placed themselves in front of me I couldn’t get a clear look at any of the new guys. How many people run through this forest really? I mean we had already bumped into Ethan and his gang and now it looked like we would have a new encounter. Only this time, Alex and the others reacted in a more forceful way. They were all growling low in their throats and they kept acting like the new guys were about to jump on them. Seriously were where their manners? I decided to be the polite one.

"Hello." I leaned out behind Alex and waved slightly at the newcomers. I could see how the tall guy who had spoken before shifted his gaze to me, fixing me with his eyes. He looked a bit taken aback at my reply at first but then he smiled unpleasantly and answered:

"A human is it not?"

I gave him a confused eye but before I could answer I was cut off by Anton who growled at the guy and said with a hard voice:

"You are not supposed to be here, rogue. If you don’t leave within five seconds I’ll rip your throat out where you stand."

I shot Anton a surprised look. It didn’t seem like he liked these men at all…

"Yeah? Well we’ll leave if you give us the human. We need a new playmate you see." The tall guy said calmly and now it was Adams turn to growl in anger.

"You are not to touch him. If you try you have to go through us first." Adam threatened and I felt more confused than ever.

"Wait a minute am I the “human” he’s referring to?" I said but Alex cut me off by growling “shut up Ash” at me.

"You shut up Alex." I replied with a sour face. I didn’t like him talking to me like he could command me to do whatever he said. Alex shot me a dark look over his shoulder but he hadn’t time to answer me because the tall guy suddenly began to laugh. Alex fixed his eyes on him and bared his teeth slightly.

"Well that’s funny. I presume he’s you mate. You would have ripped his head off for that disobedience if he weren’t, am I right?" The tall guy had stopped laughing but he was still smiling unpleasantly at me and it seriously ticked me off.

"I don’t know why everybody keeps telling me that I’m their “mate” because I’m sure as hell aren’t a friend of these…I don’t know… dickheads! I was going to the store when they kidnapped me for God’s sake! I’m tired of this fucking game of hide-and-seek and now I’m going home! Don’t you dare try to stop me because I’ll fucking hit you if you do, okay?! And you, I pointed at Alex, keep your fucking hands of me will you? I mean please people what is wrong with you? I’m out of here!" I ended my angry speech by giving Alex the finger.

Everybody turned silent and I was pretty sure you could cut the tension in the air with a knife if you wanted to. When they just kept staring at me in disbelief I huffed, tossed my head to the side to get my hair out of my eyes and then I turned on my heels and started to limp in what I thought was the direction of the house.

I hadn’t taken more than five steps though, when Alex suddenly came out of nowhere and blocked my path. I sighed in annoyance but met his gaze with a raised eyebrow. Alex eyes turned pitch black as I was watching, and I seriously mean the blackest black you could possibly imagine. I couldn’t help but flinch and take a hesitant step back when he took a threatening stride towards me.   

"Oh boy are you in trouble…" Alex said with a deep dark and menacing tone. I swallowed uneasy avoiding his angry eyes and Alex smirked at my, right now, slightly submissive posture. Suddenly he took an abrupt hold on my upper arm spinning me around and pulled me roughly with him back towards the others. When we reached them he pushed me violently into Amber’s boyfriend’s arms and coldly said:

"Vincent you’re on babysitting- duty until we get home. Do not even release your grip on him, do you understand?" I immediately tried to shove Vincent (that was obviously his name) away so he couldn’t get a hold on me but he was incredibly fast. He took a painful grip around my neck and managed to shake me until I was forced to settle down a little and stop fighting his hold. Even if I didn’t struggle anymore he kept his tight grip around my neck and I grimaced and shot him an angry look. He gave me a cold one back and I knew that he still wasn’t over the “Amber hugging me- affair”.

He was most certainly not going to let me go anytime soon.


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