Chapter 5: Kidnapped

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Picture on the side: Kevin


They dragged me back towards the road where Anton and Kevin had parked the cars but I'm proud to say that I didn't make it easy for them. I wasn't born to not wreck havoc after all... 

"Stop it for fuck's sake!" Adam growled at me when I tried to kick him for the third time. 

"You wish!" I thought as I yelled:

"Make me, you stupid goat!" 

He mumbled something that sounded like 'Yes, I might just do that soon' and I huffed at his tone. I was the one who was supposed to be angry and irritated not them. Why didn't they let me go? I hadn't done them anything.

As we got closer to the road and I could suddenly see the car, It finally dawned on me that I was being kidnapped. Actually mother-fucking kidnapped!

Hell this day couldn't get any worse but I took that back when I remembered my 'dads' promise to give Kate a visit later if I couldn't get home to stop him. That thought gave me a new boost of energy and I suddenly brought my head back and slammed my foot down on Adam's at the same time. He lost his grip around me a little and I took the opportunity to wiggle out of his embrace and push him away.

I didn't waste any time on celebrating and shot away along the road back towards the store. But this time I didn't get very far... 

I suddenly felt something crash into me from behind and I fell immediately but before I hit the ground someone span me around so I landed on the person who had tackled me. Even so I felt my side burn at the impact and I wheezed at the pain that paralyzed me for a moment.

The person under me pushed me aside and I cursed. I was happy that he had shielded me from most of the fall but if he hadn't tackled me I wouldn't have gotten hurt at all. I flipped over to my back and stayed down concentrating on breathing in and out as the pain settled down a little. The other guy got up beside me and I saw that it was Anton.

Not so strange that it had felt like I was run over by a truck then.

"Enough with the running mate." He said and gave me a hard look as I rested my head against the ground and sighed. 

"Mate again? Yeah as if I was any friend of theirs" I thought as I closed my eyes and muttered under my breath:

"I wouldn't have had to run if you weren't chasing me idiot." 

I realized that he had heard me when he suddenly took a tight grip around my right arm and jerked me up from the ground.

"Ouch, shit!" I cursed as I stumbled into him and if he hadn't held me up I would have fallen again. He gave me a worried look but started to walk back towards the cars with my arm in a tight grip. 

I was half dragged, half pushed until we were back with the others. Adam gave me an angry look but it turned to worry when he saw my struggle to walk properly. Alex didn't say anything, he just opened the backdoor to the Jeep and Anton brought me towards it and pushed me inside after Alex had climbed in. I barely kept myself from falling but Alex took a hold of me from inside and easily helped me. Adam climbed in after me and closed the door as he did.

Great! I was stuck between them so I wouldn't be able to jump out through one of the doors.

A moment later Anton climbed into the driver seat and I saw how Kevin made his way towards the Lamborghini. Well this wasn't how I had planned my evening to be. 

"All because of that stupid beer..." I thought sinking back against the black seat.

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