Chapter 37: A slow little muffin

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What the hell was that?!” Regina shouted and I turned my eyes on her. She was staring wildly at me and I guessed that she too had seen the wolf.


“Eehh...a...wolf?” I said stupidly and I could see her panic visibly rise as she stared at me in disbelief.

“Don’t you think I noticed that Ash?! Holy shit, are you guys even okay? You could have been eaten!” Her shock had been replaced with anger and fear and I held my hands up soothingly.

“Schhh calm down will you! ‘Don’t shoot the messenger’, ever heard of that?” I yelled back at her, I too a little shaken from the chase.

“!!” Matt suddenly exploded and both Regina and Kate stared at him in disbelief. What was wrong with this guy?

“I mean did you see my driving?! I was like a young and better-looking version of James Bond! Holy shit I’m awesome!!” Matt kept going and I joined in on the staring.

It was officially clarified. My best friend was a self-loving idiot...

“Matt you drove like a lunatic and you’ll never even get near the same league as James Bond!” Regina barked and I could hear Matt huffing at her.

“You’re just jealous of all this.” Matt said, pointing at his own face and Regina visibly paled as the car swirled on the road.

Keep your bloody hands on the wheel you retard!” Regina yelled as she covered her eyes. Matt put his hand back at the wheel as slowly as he could and I rolled my eyes at them.

This was usually the case when it came to them. They just couldn’t stop bickering. They were like an old married couple and I thought they’d tear each other’s throats out long ago. I have no idea how they were even able to meet each other without me or Kate there to clear the air.

“Earth to Ash! Did you hear what I just said? I asked you to explain yourself! Why the hell did we have to pick you up all the way out here and why the hell were you even here in the first place?” Matt’s voice cut through my thoughts and I turned my head in his direction. 

Regina had proceeded to ignore him and Matt could never cope with silence more than for a few seconds. Now he was simply going to bother me apparently.

“I was kidnapped and you’re my friends and friends are supposed to help each other out you know.” I said in a dry voice and I could see Matt rolling his eyes at me in the rearview mirror. Yeah we were quite similar him and me, except for the fact that I actually did have a filter.

There was this one time when we were at the cinema because we had decided to see a movie and a very tall girl (and I seriously mean like unusually tall) sat down in the seat in front of Matt and he had immediately blurted: “Joy, seems like the only giraffe in here decided to sit in the only seat I did not want it to sit. I mean how the hell am I supposed to see anything with your big head blocking the entire view huh?”

Yeah, I know... needless to say that the girl was seriously pissed after that. I actually think she straightened up even more just in spite.

It’s actually a wonder Matt hasn’t been killed yet because he seriously pissed of everybody. I guess he just liked to annoy people but sometimes I think he would benefit from not saying everything that goes through that head of his. At least it wouldn’t get him into so much trouble all the time.

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