Chapter 6: A New Beginning?

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Why is my bed so... comfy and warm? What is this soft pillow that radiates warmth?

I'm pretty certain I don't even have a pillow here in my cell? What is happening?

I gradually open my eyes only to be greeted by something soft press upon my face, while I can feel someone's arms wrap securely around me.

"...w--what?" I mumble in confusion as I glance up to see the sleeping innocent face of Lianne.

I carefully withdraw her arms around me, as I slowly turn around to observe my surroundings.

We are currently inside a magnificent and luxurious-looking room. I can't believe how spacious this room is...!

The ceiling is so up high that even standing from this bed won't allow you to reach the ceiling. This room, in addition, includes a fireplace! A fireplace that will keep you warm!

I can already feel my eyes sparkling with excitement from seeing a fireplace in person. I know this is probably an overreaction, but this is honestly the first time I've seen such a glamorous fireplace!

Glancing down, that is when I only notice the whole floor is carpeted! I can't imagine how difficult cleaning this will be.

But... why am I here in the first place? Wasn't I supposed to be in the prison cell? Is this just a dream in the first place..?

Then, is it okay for me to enjoy this while it last?

I slowly tiptoed on the edge of this queen-sized bed before I let my feet touch the soft carpeted floor.

"Oh! It's incredibly soft than I imagined...!" I exclaimed in delight as I feel the carpet under my feet.

I made my way to observe the fireplace up close before I heard the shuffling of the sheets as I turn around to see Lianne sitting up on the bed.

"Errissa? Good morning! Did you sleep comfortably?" she asks me with her drowsy voice as she rubs the sleepiness from her eyes.

Oh, wait... Is this still a dream?

"Errissa? Are you okay?" Lianne asks before she removes the blanket on her as she stands up from the bed.

"...Is this a dream?" I mutter as she walks closer to me.

Standing here like this is the only time I notice I'm a bit shorter than she is. I mean... she is a bit shorter than the other male leads, that is a given since they are so tall. But, if I'm going to guess her height, it would probably be around 5'6 to 5'7? Then that would make me around 5'4 to 5'5.

Why am I this short?? Not only that my memories of my modern life part erased and blurry at some point, now I'm this short?!

"Of course not, my dear sister. How are you feeling? I'm certain what happened last night is a bit too much for you. I'm sorry I didn't arrive on time-- no, I should not have left you there in the first place!" Lianne answers as she hugs me.

Last night? What happened last night...? Oh! Wait...

Suddenly the events of what happened in the prison came crushing on me.

"What happens to the man?" I ask as the man's face surfaces in my mind.

"..." Lianne pull away from the hug with a troubled look on her face.


She suddenly pouts at me after overhearing me call her by her name.

"I thought you would call me sister from now on... I see it was only a spur of the moment," she answered disappointingly.

"Ah? W-well... am I allowed to call you that?"

"Naturally! No matter what anyone will tell you, always remember you are my sister! And that will never change! That's why... Do you want to start a new beginning with me?"

"A new beginning?" I ask as I tilt my head.

But aren't we supposed to be at the end now? Wasn't she supposed to marry the Crown Prince next spring?

"Definitely! A new beginning for us, sisters! And well, let us include brother Rian so that the three of u will finally be complete!" Liane exclaims with a beaming smile on her lips.

Brother Rian...

The only thing I know about him is the two of us look so similar. We both possess black hair instead of our mother's red hair. None of us inherit the silver-grey eyes of the Duke. All of us have golden eyes.

His full name is Rubian Galvin Redmond. Lianne has given him the nickname Rian since Ruby sounds more of a lady's name. Lianne also mentioned before that I used to call him Garvin when we were young and her as Rianne since according to her... I didn't pronounce the letter L before.

It would be good to actually meet him face to face. Since I am kind of curious about how is his interaction with the OG Errissa. Yet, I can't help but also worry, since I am still the Villainess after all.

Our moment was cut off when someone knocks on the door and we heard a female voice on the other side of the door.

"My lady? May we come in?"

Lianne turns to face me before pulling me close to her.

"...?" I gave her a puzzled look as I tilt my head sideways.

"Yes, come in," she answers in a calm voice contrary to how her eyes are shining with excitement.

Why is she acting like this...?

The door then opens revealing six maids, who all enter the room and curtsy in front of her.

"Good morning, my lady! We will now prepare your--- bath?" The one in front greeted her as her sight turned to me.

"What is she doing here?" the one wearing pigtails mumble under her breath as the cheerful atmosphere they had turned cold after seeing me.

Well... This is uncomfortable. I supposed I should leave the room now. But now that I glance at my clothing, I think I am still wearing a nightgown... no wonder it felt so light.

"Is there something wrong?" Lianne ask with a stern tone that made the maids lower their heads.

"Umm... I think it would be best if I leave right away. Can I ask, where were my clothes last night... miss Lianne?" I whisper to Lianne whose eyes widen in surprise from what I have addressed her.

"Call me sister, Errissa! And I have already thrown away those clothes, you can use the new ones I have brought for you! I was supposed to present it to you last night, but... So, Nia and Lisa, can I entrust my sister to both of you?" Lianne said with a tender smile on her face.

The one called Nia possesses short brunette hair with gleaming amber eyes, and the one called Lisa has medium purple hair and blue eyes.

But what are they supposed to do with me?

"...As you wish, my lady. Then, miss Errissa, this way please," the two grasp both my arm and escorted me away from Lianne.

"Wa-wait! S-sister!" I try to demand an explanation, but Lianne merely bestowed me a cheerful smile.

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